ATtiny Microcontrollers: A Detailed Look at Their Features
Explore ATtiny microcontrollers in the Arduino environment, practical projects, immediate application of theory & streamlined code for hands-on experience.
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What you'll learn
What is an ATtiny and which variants are available
Technical data and pinout discussion
Effect of CPU clock speed and power supply
Power saving mode Deepsleep and interrupts
Brown-out detection and CPU clock setting with fuses
Apply hardware settings with Arduino IDE and PlatformIO (Fuses)
Source Code Creation with C++
Configuring and setting up Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO and Arduino IDE
Get to know different ATtiny cores and sources of supply
Create Arduino ISP DIY Shield for flashing
Use USB ISP Flasher
Use different upload methods with different IDEs
LED control with PWM
Use of WS2812b and FastLED with ATtiny
RTC module and shift register usage with ATtiny
Evaluation of humidity sensor and Deepsleep
ATtinys are affordable microcontrollers known for their compact size and low power consumption, drawing approximately 4-8µA during DeepSleep. They can be conveniently programmed in the familiar Arduino environment (IDE and C++), providing a cost-effective alternative to Arduinos and ESPs. The ATtinys are compatible with a button battery CR2032 and offer sufficient memory for typical DIY projects. Throughout the course, the ATtinys 25/24, 44/45, 84, and the Digispark ATtiny85 will be utilized.
Course Content Overview
The content covered in the course includes:
Fundamental aspects of Atmel ATtiny microcontrollers.
Exploring various components such as transistors, OLED displays, shift registers, and more.
Understanding different methods for flashing the ATtinys.
Utilizing Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO or Arduino IDE.
Configuring hardware settings like CPU clock frequency, brown-out detection, etc.
Implementing digital-analog GPIOs and PWM controls.
Hands-on projects:
Creating a digital dice with random number generation and LEDs.
Developing a digital dice with WS2812b and FastLED.
Constructing a binary clock with RTC Module and Shift Register.
Designing a plant monitor with Deepsleep using CR2032 Battery.
Building a plant monitor with OLED.
Generating tones to create custom melodies as a circuit board pendant.
Constructing a transistor circuit with reed switch and clap detector.
Integrating a temperature sensor with a 0.96” OLED on Digispark ATtiny85.
Crafting a do-it-yourself Rubber Ducky with Digispark ATtiny85.
Approach in the Course
Emphasis on Practical Projects
Instead of relying heavily on slides or PowerPoint, this course focuses on engaging in more projects.
The learning process commences with practical examples that delve into the basics from the outset.
Immediate Application of Theory
Participants have the opportunity to promptly apply theoretical concepts using ATtinys, fostering a deeper understanding.
Collaborative Project Development
Practical projects are collaboratively developed through step-by-step guidance.
The term "together" denotes a process where I showcase the code for specific tasks, allowing you to follow along or reconstruct it in your own manner.
Accessible Code and Streamlined Learning
All codes are readily downloadable from the platform, ensuring a frustration-free journey towards achieving the desired results.
The course avoids extensive explanations or prolonged theoretical discussions, diving straight into the foundational chapter.
Leveraging Experience for Skill Development
Benefit from my extensive experience and gain essential skills in microcontroller development.
Enrol in this course now and kickstart your learning journey immediately.
Looking Forward to Having You in the Class,
Markus Edenhauser
Who this course is for
Anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of low-power, small form factor microcontrollers.
Developers who are interested in using low-cost microcontrollers for their projects.
All those who want to understand, apply and write their own practical projects with microcontrollers.
All those who want to learn more about microcontrollers with limited hardware resources.
First experiences in Arduino development (millis, pinMode, data types) advantageous
Basics C++ in the Arduino environment
With the online simulators a lot can be simulated, but you have a greater learning success if you rebuild the practical examples with the hardware components
Everything about ATtiny is taught in this course
Excellent course. I was interested in the ATTiny controllers and was looking to understand how to use them. The instructor has provided a good introduction to the ATTiny controllers and has provided good tips e.g. the fuse settings. I now have a good understanding of how to use the ATTiny controllers ~ Joydeep R
Good content and easy to follow ~ Arthur O
The instructor presents concepts and important real world points that are important. The parts have gone up in price. My $2.00 ATTiny85 chips (Dip verion) now cost over $5 on Amazon. Small boards, however, are available. They include a USB connector and a voltage regulator. Everything is SMT. This course will get everyone quickly developing ATTiny projects ~ Michael T
What you'll learn
ATtinys are affordable microcontrollers known for their compact size and low power consumption, drawing approximately 4-8µA during DeepSleep. They can be conveniently programmed in the familiar Arduino environment (IDE and C++), providing a cost-effective alternative to Arduinos and ESPs. The ATtinys are compatible with a button battery CR2032 and offer sufficient memory for typical DIY projects. Throughout the course, the ATtinys 25/24, 44/45, 84, and the Digispark ATtiny85 will be utilized.
Course Content Overview
The content covered in the course includes:
Approach in the Course
Emphasis on Practical Projects
Immediate Application of Theory
Participants have the opportunity to promptly apply theoretical concepts using ATtinys, fostering a deeper understanding.
Collaborative Project Development
Accessible Code and Streamlined Learning
Leveraging Experience for Skill Development
Benefit from my extensive experience and gain essential skills in microcontroller development.
Enrol in this course now and kickstart your learning journey immediately.
Looking Forward to Having You in the Class,
Markus Edenhauser
Who this course is for
Course Content
15 Sections 108 Lectures 6h 35m total length
Subjects of Expertise
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