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What you'll learn
What are dreams ?
What are signs ?
How to read and understand signs ?
What are symbols ?
What is the DSSI Training ?
Why dreams are the most advanced technology ?
How to create a "Wow" life ?
Emotion Quotient & Spiritual Quotient
The law of resonance
Spiritual autonomy
Understanding that life is a continuous school of evolution and transformation to develop our qualities, to go toward the best of ourselves.
How to activate dreams & your potential inside ?
How to activate synchronicities ?
When it comes to negativity, it often stirs up memories of pain, hurt, and suppression in people's minds. The mere thought of negativity can be overwhelming, and even in the realm of spirituality, individuals tend to unconsciously shy away from confronting their own hidden negatives. It's as if reflecting on the negative aspects of life is seen as masochistic, something to be avoided at all costs.
Have you ever found yourself in this situation?
Have you ever wondered why negativity exists in the first place and why it was created by a higher power?
Do you, like many others, try to avoid negativity, fearing the hurt or disturbance it may bring?
Does it leave you emotionally conflicted, questioning the divine when confronted with news of wars, disasters, or personal conflicts?
These are all valid questions that many of us grapple with.
But what if I told you that embracing negativity with wisdom is actually essential for transforming your life?
What if I revealed to you that both Good and Evil are integral parts of a higher power, and that Evil serves an educational purpose?
It may sound counterintuitive, but by delving into the depths of negativity, we can foster maturity and profound learning. It is through this self-awareness that we can begin to understand how negativity triggers responses at both individual and collective levels, ultimately leading us to the realization that everything is a state of consciousness comprising both positive and negative elements at its core.
Negativity, despite its negative connotation, has long been an advanced school of learning. It is through the challenges and struggles that we face that we grow and evolve. And one day, those who embrace negativity will learn to face it with openness, unlocking their souls and transcending their own negativity. In doing so, they will progress into angelic spiritual beings, reaching new heights of enlightenment and understanding.
We cordially invite you to join us in an upcoming web conference where Haritha, a renowned spiritual teacher, will share her insights based on the divine law that "Evil is educational." She will delve into the profound wisdom that lies within negativity and how it can be a catalyst for personal and collective growth. Through her teachings, she will shed light on the transformative power of embracing negativity with awareness and guide us towards a deeper understanding of its role in our lives.
This web conference promises to be a thought-provoking and enlightening experience, as we contemplate together on this profound subject that impacts not only our world but also our personal lives.
Let us explore the nature of negativity in the light of angelic wisdom and unlock the hidden treasures that lie within its depths.
Who this course is for
People who are interested in the meaning of their dreams or who wonder why they don’t dream
People wishing to improve their understanding of human psychology, and develop true, profound compassion and humility
People who have existential questions, who want to understand the meaning of life, of their existence...
People who wish to understand each other and improve their life both on the inside and on the outside, on all levels: in their couple, their family, with friends, at work, etc.
People who want to transform their limitations and live their full positive potential
People who want to learn how to unify Spirituality and Matter
No requirements or prerequisites
Wanting to improve and get to know yourself better
What you'll learn
When it comes to negativity, it often stirs up memories of pain, hurt, and suppression in people's minds. The mere thought of negativity can be overwhelming, and even in the realm of spirituality, individuals tend to unconsciously shy away from confronting their own hidden negatives. It's as if reflecting on the negative aspects of life is seen as masochistic, something to be avoided at all costs.
Have you ever found yourself in this situation?
Have you ever wondered why negativity exists in the first place and why it was created by a higher power?
Do you, like many others, try to avoid negativity, fearing the hurt or disturbance it may bring?
Does it leave you emotionally conflicted, questioning the divine when confronted with news of wars, disasters, or personal conflicts?
These are all valid questions that many of us grapple with.
But what if I told you that embracing negativity with wisdom is actually essential for transforming your life?
What if I revealed to you that both Good and Evil are integral parts of a higher power, and that Evil serves an educational purpose?
It may sound counterintuitive, but by delving into the depths of negativity, we can foster maturity and profound learning. It is through this self-awareness that we can begin to understand how negativity triggers responses at both individual and collective levels, ultimately leading us to the realization that everything is a state of consciousness comprising both positive and negative elements at its core.
Negativity, despite its negative connotation, has long been an advanced school of learning. It is through the challenges and struggles that we face that we grow and evolve. And one day, those who embrace negativity will learn to face it with openness, unlocking their souls and transcending their own negativity. In doing so, they will progress into angelic spiritual beings, reaching new heights of enlightenment and understanding.
We cordially invite you to join us in an upcoming web conference where Haritha, a renowned spiritual teacher, will share her insights based on the divine law that "Evil is educational." She will delve into the profound wisdom that lies within negativity and how it can be a catalyst for personal and collective growth. Through her teachings, she will shed light on the transformative power of embracing negativity with awareness and guide us towards a deeper understanding of its role in our lives.
This web conference promises to be a thought-provoking and enlightening experience, as we contemplate together on this profound subject that impacts not only our world but also our personal lives.
Let us explore the nature of negativity in the light of angelic wisdom and unlock the hidden treasures that lie within its depths.
Who this course is for
Course Content
1 Section 1 Lecture 1h 53m total length
Subjects of Expertise
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