Personal Development

Three Steps to Cure Indecision and Be Boldly Decisive

STOP letting conditions govern your decisions & let your decisions govern your conditions. Be Boldly Decisive - Slay Indecision. In just 3 steps.

Step One: Where are You Placing your Personal Focus?

Step Two: What Meaning are You Assigning to Your Circumstances?

Step Three: What's The Next Best Action?

The Next Level: Change Your Story.

Three Steps to Cure Indecision and Be Boldly Decisive

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Step One: Where are You Placing your Personal Focus?

Shift the Out of Control to Inner Control.

  • Reacting vs responding.

You cannot always control outside circumstances, hence they are out of control but can always control your internal processes, hence inner control. If resources are scarce focus on your resourcefulness.

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Step Two: What Meaning are You Assigning to Your Circumstances?

Emotions Govern all Choices & Reactions.

  • Aim Don't Blame.

Assigning a positive intention is aiming while making excuses is blaming. Is this the end or the beginning? An opportunity or barrier?

Step Three: What's the Next Best Action?

What Optimized Action would Reap the Highest Rewards.

  • Inspired Action not Procrastination.

Select the inspired action you think would be best and optimize it with the best resources and best skills and execute it. What ever the outcome the intention is always for growth & expansion so it’s back to step one. Let’s take it to the next level.

The Next Level: Change Your Story

'Being the Change’ but How do You Become it?

  • Your Story is Your Why.

Your story is what you keep telling yourself. It could be an excuse why you cannot make the change you desire or it could be the very reason why you have to? By following the 3 steps you will change your story & your circumstances will follow to suit the upgrade.

You can also learn more through my online courses here.

Brad Cunningham
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Brad Cunningham
Inspirational Speaker, Innovator, Prosperity Strategist
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Featured Uplyrn Expert
Brad Cunningham
Inspirational Speaker
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