
6 Fantastic Tools for Any Distance Learning System

In the last several weeks, I’ve been posting multiple blogs on distance learning, and today we will discuss the 5 useful tools that can be utilized for any instructor or student regardless of the distance learning system. 

Should this be your first time reading my blog, check out some of my other distance learning blogs, such as how to Prepare the Future Workforce for Distance LearningMaking Distance Education Work, and Best Practices for Distance Education

6 Fantastic Tools for Any Distance Learning System

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What are the 5 Useful Tools for any Distance Learning System?

Regardless of the platform, subject, or location, I highly recommend that you consider doing these steps.

Give your Computer a Tune-Up

There is nothing more irritating than a slow computer, and you need to ask yourself when was the last time your computer had a tune-up?

Some of you are savvy enough to click on a few keys, and you’re done. If you’re like me, you wonder what you should do. Thankfully, the article 20 tips and tricks to increase PC performance on Windows 10 came to my rescue. For those who use a Mac, check out this article on How to speed up your Mac

As I read the articles, some tips made perfect sense, and some didn’t. I recommend that you only conduct the tips you are most comfortable with so you have no issues down the road.

Contact your Internet Service Provider to Check the Bandwidth

If your Wi-Fi is consistently slow, give your Internet Service Provider a call and ask them to conduct tests. 

There they will check your speed in terms of download and upload capability. The customer service representative will also produce tests to flush out the line and walk you through some easy steps to help improve the speed.

Speaking of speed, I check my speed occasionally using

Clean Up Your Browser

Depending on how the settings are configured on your browser, I recommend that you clear your cache and download history.

Why am I bringing this up?

Let’s say you made an update on your platform, but it’s not showing that update. It could be because the cache has the page ready for you to use instead of refreshing itself and showing you that change.

This is another item that will definitely increase the speed on your computer.

Review and Update Your Extensions

Just like having too many browser tabs open, too many extensions will slow down your browser.  Review them and remove what you don’t use regularly.

For Chrome users, I insist that you check out the 2022 Best Chrome Extensions. One extension that I just added is The Great Suspender, an extension that helps to free up RAM when tabs are hogging up memory and suspends tabs you are not currently using.

Find Some New Resources to Use in Your Course

Corporations across the world recognize that educators are struggling with getting the resources they need to teach their students. They are donating their services to help bridge the lack of supplemental resources.

For example, Zoom has provided school districts access to their sites for free.

To see a comprehensive and updated list, go to and find the Free Resources for Schools During COVID-19 Outbreak. It’s listed in alphabetical order, so scan through the list and see what you can use.

Set Up Zoom Reminders 

We all get tied up from time to time and start a meeting late but thanks to the Zoom app, you can set Meeting reminders. It’s great for your phone not to mention your laptop. You can also set up Outlook to include Zoom in your appointment which will automatically pop up when the meeting should start. 

With a little TLC and a few moments, you will find your laptop in better shape to mold the minds of your children.

And speaking of children, check out the new book coming out. Blank Check: What Would You Do if You Were Asked to Reinvent Education is being released on Amazon, May 5th. I invite you to download the first chapter of Blank Check, Teach, for free.

Until next time, I urge you to change the way you view education.

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