
Answer the Phone with a Smile in Your Voice: Win Customers!

In the eyes of your customer, every contact is a moment of truth. A moment of truth, because with every phone call your caller might be deciding whether to do business with your organisation or to even continue to do business with you.

Have you ever rung a company, and by the way they answered the phone you felt as if you were an interruption?

How well are your people managing all the moments of truth occurring in your organisation every single day? Is each customer touchpoint enhancing your image and reputation; or are your people squandering the relationship?

Customer service best practice dictates you should have a standard procedure for answering the phone – and here it is.

Answer the Phone with a Smile in Your Voice: Win Customers!

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When You Hear Any Telephone Ring

  1. On the first ring, stop whatever you are doing. Focus, ready to answer the call.
  2. On the second ring, put a smile on your face. Smiling changes the shape of your face and resonance of your voice. Customers can literally hear you smiling through the phone.
  3. Answer after the third ring, and never let it go to four rings.
  4. Say your company name or division, then your name; for example: ‘Asset Services, this is Jim.’

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How Memory Works

Memory is a fragile and curious thing. Saying ‘Jim speaking’ is not as effective as, ‘This is Jim’. Speaking as the last word interferes with remembering the person’s name. If you make your name the last thing you say, it makes it easier for your caller to remember it. This is because of the Recency Effect – people better remember the last thing they hear.

Using your first name as the last thing your client hears gives them a chance to build a relationship with you as the brand ambassador for your organisation.

Action Summary

  1. First ring – stop whatever you are doing.
  2. Second ring – put a smile on your face.
  3. Answer after the third ring with, <Your company or division>,
  4. This is <your name.>
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Nina Sunday
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Featured Uplyrn Expert
Nina Sunday
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