
Are Dreams Real? What Your Dreams Reveal About You

"Last night I had the strangest dream... I lived each moment as if I was there... The landscapes, the sounds, the colors. The smells, the sensations. Everything seemed so real..." Are dreams only a figment of our imagination? Or is there something deeper behind it? Do dreams have a hidden reality? A deeper meaning?

Are Dreams Real? What Your Dreams Reveal About You

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Dreams: Imagination or Reality?

We receive so many dreams in our lifetime. So much information that we don't pay attention to when we are less spiritual... So much information that is revealed when we sleep, through our dreams.

However, this question has always been present in the minds of humans: are dreams real? What is the meaning of this gigantic amount of information that is downloaded into our consciousness every night? We have to imagine that the universe is like a "Cloud" in which we all live... And our soul is like our own personal computer, which is always connected to this gigantic universal "Cloud", and which constantly receives and sends data.

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What are Dreams?

In the ancient Sanskrit language, dreams are called "Sapna", which means "something that concerns us". Throughout the day and over the years, we record many experiences within ourselves, some of which are conscious, and some of which become unconscious within us.

Even if some experiences (like sometimes traumas) can be momentarily repressed, repressed in our unconscious, our mind uses this mechanism to protect itself, as a defense mechanism. But nothing is lost, everything is recorded, and can be resolved when we gradually become aware of these parts of ourselves, these % of memories...

Why do We Dream?

Dreaming is a natural phenomenon, just as we all have other natural activities like washing, going to the bathroom, eating, etc. What the mind is not able to process or integrate immediately, it begins to project into our dreams to get our attention and begin an inner work of cleaning. What this means is that the things we cannot understand or digest immediately stay with us until we are ready to do inner work. This can be done by decoding them to extract their true meaning, i.e. their symbolic meaning, in order to rectify the patterns that are no longer functional.

It takes a deep understanding, through symbolic language, to be able to understand our dreams and use this information to change, to evolve. Because a single dream, well decoded, can change a life, by what it shows us about ourselves, and the changes that we can create in our concrete life thanks to these realizations...

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Dreams are Our Own Inner Reality

Yes, dreams are real... And they can even be more real than our real life. Dreams reveal various facets of our personality that we live throughout our lives through the roles we play (child, parent, friend, spouse, student, worker, etc.). Dreams show us our blocks, our weaknesses, but also our strengths, our qualities.

Very often, the conscious mind tends to reject what it doesn't like, it creates a façade to escape from what puts it in difficulty, and which requires efforts to be worked on. But dreams open the veil, without any bias, and show us clearly what we need to rectify in ourselves, and also our potential. This is why dreams speak about ourselves... They tell us who we have been, who we are, and who we can become.

Dreams show us what we sometimes hide from ourselves because of our protective mechanisms. They are true reflections of who we really are deep inside. Like clear water, dreams show us the different facets of our deepest personality, the good and the bad. So yes... Dreams are real, and they have a lot of secrets to reveal to us! Secrets that, when used properly, can lead us to the highest qualities... To a better version of ourselves...

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Bestselling Author, International Speaker, Philosopher
Subjects of Expertise: Human Consciousness, Life Transformation
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