Personal Development

Are You Kidding Me? Stop Playing It Safe & Spark Creativity

Are you kidding?

When was the last time someone asked you this question? Trust me if you haven’t been asked this question for a long time, then perhaps you have been playing it too safe.

An eminent educationist, Sir Ken Robinson once said, “If children don’t know, they will still have a go.”

What he meant was children are prepared to be wrong, and hence they always come up with original and creative ideas. These ideas are often shot down by us adults because they do not appeal to our so called matured & logical brains. However if you look at the history of innovation, original ideas have always stemmed out of thinking & doing crazy things. And that’s what children are so good at – THINKING CRAZY!!!

One of the celebrated artists ever known to mankind Picasso rightly said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

So what is it that we can borrow from children. Here are some thoughts.

Are You Kidding Me? Stop Playing It Safe & Spark Creativity

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Be Open to Experiment

Experiment is often thought about as an activity best suited to the confines of a physical lab. Children on the other hand, look at the whole world as their lab, constantly trying stuff that is both interesting and different.

We as adults need to develop this quality so that we can create products or deliver services that are both unique and awesome.

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Oops I Made a Mistake

I bet you would have never heard a child saying that. Simply because kids don’t bother committing mistakes, perhaps the reason why they can constantly innovate. Adults on the other hand view mistakes as an insult to their natural talent and a prick to their inflated egos. For once we can learn to keep our egos aside and accept mistakes as learning opportunities; we shall surprise ourselves beyond imagination.


Another pearl of wisdom we can steal from kids, is their unquenchable thirst for asking questions. Kids are relentless with their questions. They simply refuse to settle for anything but the reality. If only we learn to pluck a leaf out of their book, we might find answers to questions that have been haunting us since ages.

So stop hiding behind the mask of a matured adult. Drop your inhibitions and try and bring alive the child in you. The world desperately needs another Picasso, another Socrates and may be even another Steve Jobs.

Let’s us grow small and ignite the creative genius in us, rather than growing up into unimaginative shallow beings.

May the child in you live forever…

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