Personal Development

Hope is Not a Strategy: Master Presentations Like a Pro

How many times have you said, when asked about an upcoming presentation, “Gosh, I hope it goes well!”? 

Think about that for a moment. You hope it goes well? What’s the plan that goes with that?

Hope is not a strategy. A plan to deploy your knowledge and skills is a strategy. Let’s break this down in the simplest way possible.

Hope is Not a Strategy: Master Presentations Like a Pro

Learn from the Best

Eric Lofholm
Master Sales Trainer
Keynote Speaker
EntrepreneurNOW Network

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Sales Skills
Mindset & Strategies
TJ Walker
Bestselling Author
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EntrepreneurNOW Network

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Communication Skills
Public Speaking
Personal Development
Arvee Robinson
Master Speaker Trainer
Bestselling Author
EntrepreneurNOW Network

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Public Speaking
Persuasive Presentations
Lead Generation
Brad Hussey
Web Designer
Marketing Consultant
EntrepreneurNOW Network

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Web Design
Online Business
Freelancing Career
Carol Marzouk
Executive Coach
International Speaker
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Employee Engagement
Valerie Sargent
Emotional Intelligence Strategist
Award-Winning Business Leader
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Emotional Intelligence
Scott Robertson
Certified StoryBrand Guide
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EntrepreneurNOW Network

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Public Relations
Marketing Communications
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Paul Banoub
Leadership & Productivity Expert
EntrepreneurNOW Network

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People Management

Your knowledge

You have a topic, and you have subject-matter expertise in that topic. That’s great, but still not enough. The next ingredient in planning your presentation is audience-centricity – taking into account your audience’s interests, needs and experience. In other words, you must organize and prepare your topic/expertise in a way that presents compelling points to your audience, and you must choreograph your time taking into account things like work-from-home distractions and screen-fatigue.

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Your skills

You’re a decent presenter when you’re face to face with your audience, i.e. in the same room. More than likely, though, you’re going to need to be just as effective delivering virtually. You’ll need energy – more than usual – in your voice and body. Keep your voice energy consistently up and animated. Sit up straight and be forward in your chair. You’ll also need to employ intense eye contact – with the little green light that is the camera on your computer. Speak to the camera so that your audience sees you looking at them. And you’ll need to rehearse all of this because, in so many ways, it’s trickier than presenting face-to-face.

As we near the end of summer, and continue to settle into the new realities of how we do business, this is a good time to refresh our mindset about making effective presentations. To that end, keep in mind: Hope is not a strategy. Preparation is.

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Beth Levine
Featured Uplyrn Expert
Beth Levine
Public Speaking Coach, Presentation Skills Trainer, Member - Board of Directors
Subjects of Expertise: Communication Skills, Public Speaking, Public Relations
Featured Uplyrn Expert
Beth Levine
Public Speaking Coach
Presentation Skills Trainer
Member - Board of Directors

Subjects of Expertise

Communication Skills
Public Speaking
Public Relations

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