
Organize Your Day & Stop Wasting Time: A Proven Plan

If there’s a single, biggest time waster that overwhelms, distracts and creates a sense of false completion, and that’s, starting the day with the unproductive small things first (like checking social media stats, emails, phone calls, and even browsing on Internet).

It turns out that we do this on auto-pilot, almost automatically. And it is harder to deal with things that are happening without consciously noticing them. But the wasted time is never going to come back…

Organize Your Day & Stop Wasting Time: A Proven Plan

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What You’ll Learn?

In this short article, I am going to share with you four functions of planning that are going to set the stage for your day so that you can almost, without effort, force yourself to do the things that matter to you the most FIRST.

Why this is Important?

Well, as you probably know, when doing the small things first, they tend to multiply.

For example, if we check the email early in the morning, that seems to be a small activity that usually may take 2-3 minutes, but it turns out that we stay longer, checking out stuff which other people send to us (videos, articles, news, TV shows, politics … ). This is quite frustrating, because as you check your email first, as you wake up in the morning, you are simply going to be consumed by it. That’s why doing the things that are important to you FIRST is of a major necessity. And obviously, email checking is not, unless you get paid for checking your email :-]

You are going to accomplish tremendously, if you are doing the important things first. And planning itself is going to help you find and execute those important areas, in fact, this structure of planning itself is going to MOTIVATE you to do the significant stuff first.

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How does this Work?

The process is quite simple. And I’ve learned this from Brian Tracy and Wyatt Woodsmall – the two most influential time management experts on me.

The system goes like this:

  1. Establish Your Goals and Objectives – The more clear you are about them, the better.
  2. Formulate a Strategy – What’s the process of reaching those objectives and goals? Step by step process that’s specific enough to outline the action steps that have to be taken to make it happen.
  3. Implement the Plan – Simply you take action toward the process you have outlined previously
  4. Evaluate the Success of the Plan – Adjustments are always needed, when it comes to planning. That’s because no plan is perfect, unless it is proven to work.

I’d like to give you more guidance and details on how to use these four aspects of planning. But before that, I’d like to tell you more about different ways that you can use this aspect of planning, because planning itself IS NOT a system. And that’s the biggest misconception out there.

The system is simply PROVEN PLAN that WORKS.

As you create a plan that has a particular outcome, there’s no way of knowing if that’s going to work. Even if you borrow a “proven strategy” that worked for somebody else. Well, this does not mean, it is going to work for you, because your situation may be different, and what works for somebody else, may not work for you.

You do not want to make things perfect, when it comes to planning, because that’s just the theory. I used to do this mistake so many times that wasted a lot of time along the way.

The best way is to approach your plan with “whatever” mindset. If the plan does not work, who cares. All plans I’ve personally formulated FAILED. But this did not stop me, and it actually allowed me to create even better plans as a result of that.

The Bottom Line is …

Planning is a LEARNING PROCESS, rather than a strict “to do list” to follow.

So, you do not want to waste time on making a “perfect plan,” because there’s no such thing, since the plan is just a theory, not an application.

However, planning is going to determine the direction you want to move through, and re-adjust that path as you revise your plan. It is the direction of which you are going to do the important things first, rather than the smaller insignificant stuff.

Planning does not work for those, who want to make the plan perfect. Instead, trying to make the plan work over and over again, by revising it often, and eventually we want to create a SYSTEM from it.

The Four Steps (Components) of Successful Planning

The First Component on Planning – Establishing Your Objectives

It is quite necessary to know what the outcome of that plan is. This is going to move you toward the plan and sticking to it. The more clear you are about the outcome of the plan, the more you’ll get your hands on it, instead of doing things that do not matter to you, like checking emails, and doing all sorts of small activities. Busy does not always mean real work!

When it comes to establishing your goals, you have to MEASURE, all activities that are associated with that plan. Otherwise, you won’t be able to tell if you are going somewhere, and test the validity of the plan. Because planning is about what would cause something else to happen. It is a chain of events that are going to lead us to the desired outcome, not the goal itself. Because we know what the goal is, but we do not know how to get there.

That’s why we want to create a plan that is going to help us finding the way to get to the desired outcome.

The Second Component of Planning – Formulating a Strategy

When we formulate a strategy, this is nothing more than a sequence of actions that are going to take place, in order to acknowledge the accomplishments of the initial objectives.

It is important to note that we want to experiment with different things, and getting the necessary feedback to determine the results we are getting. It is simple as that.

As you formulate your strategy, you want to ANTICIPATE the possible scenarios (pros and cons) – this alone is going to allow you to build alternatives to SUPPORT that plan.

The Third Component of Planning – Implementing the Plan

This is where we want to TAKE ACTION. We have to implement the plan, based on our objectives and the formulated strategy.

As I mentioned previously, we may have the best plan in the world, but if we do not put it into action, and test it, there’s no use of it.

Almost everything would require some kind of adjustments and as you go along, you have to monitor everything. Here’s more information on measuring and testing.

The Fourth Component of Planning – Evaluating the Results

Based on the measurements we make, or based on the results we get, we need to evaluate the validity of the plan.

A plan is nothing more than a hypothesis. If we want to prove that hypothesis, we want to evaluate and measure its components (action steps), if they are consistent with our objectives.

Chris Diamond
Featured Uplyrn Expert
Chris Diamond
Bestselling Author, Serial Entrepreneur, Lecturer
Subjects of Expertise: Time Management, Personal Productivity, E-Book Publishing
Featured Uplyrn Expert
Chris Diamond
Bestselling Author
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Time Management
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