
Human Sigma: Boost Employee Engagement & Watch Profits Soar

Everyone talks about higher employee engagement. Everyone knows higher employee engagement = higher revenue. But where many of us get stuck is – how to improve employee engagement. Please meet “Human Sigma”! Human Sigma is like Six Sigma; it is the process of improving and reducing variability in the engagement levels of employees and customers. Human Sigma is focused on reducing the variability and improving the human aspect of organizational performance to derive positive financial outcome.

All organizations focus on increasing the revenue, but many ignore the human aspect towards it. If the organization does not pay attention to the employees’ needs, they will get stressed and gradually become unhappy. When an unhappy employee is dealing with the customer, do you think they will provide the same service a happy employee will provide? What will be the result? The customer will become unhappy, and when one customer is unhappy, for a big organization, it may not have a significant impact on their financials, but when many of the customers are unhappy, for sure, there will be an impact on the company’s revenue. Here, we need to understand about the Human Sigma, to increase the employee satisfaction.

By the time the organization will see a significant dip in their revenue, most of the time, it is too late. We all know it takes years to build a reputation, but the same can be destroyed in a much shorter time! Once the reputation is destroyed, once in the market, it will be known that this company’s customer service is inadequate. People will hesitate to have business with that company.

Think about a bank, one employee dealing with the customer is not happy and not treating the customers he/she is handling well; that will be the first step of destroying the reputation. Today, in the age of social media, even if one customer is unhappy, he/she will rate the company poorly and share the bad experience in the social media. The new customers will be scared to have business with that bank!

The next big question is – if one employee is unhappy, how will it impact the other employees? Prevalent human psychology plays a critical role here. We often share our bad moments with others compared to the good moments that we had.

Human Sigma: Boost Employee Engagement & Watch Profits Soar

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Case Study

Let’s do a case study. Ajit is an employee of ABC bank. Ajit wanted to leave for one week to attend a marriage ceremony of his distant but close relative. He requested his manager Rajeev to grant the leave. Rajeev is a hard taskmaster; for him, employees come next, the first is work. Rajeev has refused to grant leave to Ajit because attending the marriage of a distant relative is not essential. Rajeev forgot that attending the marriage of a distant relative may not be necessary for him, but it might be important for someone else.

Moreover, Rajeev commented, to not give an excuse to take leave to attend the marriage ceremony of a distant relative. How will Ajit feel? Demotivated, frustrated and he will become the first unhappy employee of the branch of the bank. Ajit, who earlier used to be joyful with his colleagues, now became silent and others have noticed about it. Each of them started asking what has happened to him? He has shared his experience. Some of the employees felt the same way that Ajit felt. Now many of the employees of the branch became disengaged!

If the bank has a mechanism to run a survey to measure employee engagement, this problem would have been detected earlier. An employee engagement survey is a crucial tool for early detection. If the organization realized one employee is disengaged, do not ignore that; speak to the employee and address the issue so that the disengagement does not spread to other employees.

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