Why Use a Microsoft Project Personal Template
It is natural to create a new project with Microsoft Project using the File, New, Blank Project command which will create a project with the Global.mpt file that has a lot of short comings. It is far better to use a Personal Microsoft Project Template with these issues resolved like the Eastwood Harris template that may be downloaded from the Eastwood Harris website.
The following attributes have been changed in the Eastwood Harris Microsoft Project template from the standard settings:
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Microsoft Project 2013, 2016 and 2019 templates operate differently to earlier versions of Microsoft Project and there are some important changes that need to be understood by users of earlier versions of Microsoft Project.
Note: To use Personal Templates you MUST set your Default personal templates directory in FILE, Options, Save.
A template is a complete project that is saved and then copied in the process of creating a new project.
A Microsoft Project template in *.mpt format may be downloaded from the Eastwood Harris website at www.eh.com.au, Software & Downloads page that has a number of the issues with Microsoft Project defaults and other setting resolved. The changes to the Global.mpt default settings are listed on the web site.
You may wish to download this file, open it and save it as a Personal Template and use this file instead of the Blank Project option as it has some formatting issues resolved.
As part of creating a Template or working on a project you may wish to bring in Views, Tables or Filters from an existing project.
The Organizer function is used to copy information between projects or to update the Global.mpt.
To see more explanations like this, then consider buying my Project Management: Plan and Control with Microsoft Project online course here.
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