
Name Your Price: Is Your Dream Life Worth Giving Up?

I’ve been self-employed since 2012, and it would be an understatement to say I’ve enjoyed it. It’s seriously been the best professional decision I’ve ever made! The perks that come with self-employment are truly amazing:

  • Unlimited income potential
  • Possibility for great success
  • No limit on vacation time
  • Create your own work schedule
  • You’re in charge of your success
  • No boss
  • Freedom

However, that’s not to say that self-employment is void of risks, because there are certainly some risks that may scare many away from the dream of being their own boss. But for some people, self employment is simply a risk worth taking. I know it is for me.

Name Your Price: Is Your Dream Life Worth Giving Up?

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The “stable” job

Throughout my journey, there’s been a question that has crossed my mind every now and then:

“What would you do if somebody offered you a great full-time job?”

For me, the answer has simply been “I’d politely decline.”

But, wait a minute. Let’s clarify something:

  1. What is a “great” full-time job?
  2. Does it have benefits?
  3. How much does it pay?
  4. How much vacation time?

Well, the answers to these questions will be different for everybody, but for me, the answers look something like this:

  1. The one I have now
  2. Yes, very many. See above list.
  3. As much as I can earn.
  4. As much as I need.

Interesting. That sounds like my current self-employment situation.

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What is your price?

Let’s take it a step further. Try this question on for size.

Let’s say you have a great business idea, or a lifestyle you’re striving for, maybe you’re already living your dream. How much would it cost for somebody to buy it and take it away from you?

Let me clarify what I mean by using myself as an example: I feel as though I’m living my dream. How “good” of a job offer do I need in order to give up on my dream, totally quit what I’m doing and take the offer? Is it $100k a year? $200k a year? 2-months vacation time? Job security?

To put it simply: I’m not sure there is a company willing to pay my price. I love what I do, and and I’m not willing to sell it for a “stable job”.

The guy who traded his dream for a vacuum

About 6 years ago, I didn’t really know what I was doing with my life, I had no real direction, and had a hard time finding a job to pay the rent. I found myself applying for jobs, such as:

“Cow hand”

“Painter’s assistant”

“Potato chip delivery driver”

“Vacuum salesman”

Needless to say, there were slim pickings, and I ended up landing a gig as a “vacuum salesman” for a single day. Aside from learning that there are some impressive vacuums out there, I also learned:

  • The job was for a multi-level marketing company
  • They were offering riches of all sorts if you worked hard tricked enough people
  • The thought of tricking people to buy something makes me want to vomit
  • I wasn’t the only one being fooled

After practicing the “script” and learning the art of “vacuum twirling”, it was time for lunch. Myself and the only other guy who applied for the job were walking across the parking lot towards our vehicles, and I asked him, “what do you think of this?”

He told me, “well, my dream has always been to be a Sports Announcer, but I’d rather do this if there’s good money in it, you know?”

It’s worth mentioning that this guy’s dream wasn’t “self employment”, it was simply a career path that he’d dreamed of being a part of. Your dream may not necessarily be self employment, either. It could be a dream job, a business idea you’ve been pursuing, or a hobby you’re passionate about.

So, what about you?

What’s your price? Would you be willing to trade your dream life for a “stable” job with a great salary? Or, is your dream life priceless?

Brad Hussey
Featured Uplyrn Expert
Brad Hussey
Web Designer, Marketing Consultant, EntrepreneurNOW Network
Subjects of Expertise: Web Design, Online Business, Freelancing Career
Featured Uplyrn Expert
Brad Hussey
Web Designer
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EntrepreneurNOW Network

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Web Design
Online Business
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