If you haven’t read our post about decluttering, please do that first. Then come back here after 🙂
A couple of rules we have learned after decluttering and organizing since 2012:
This is the list included in our decluttering post, we will follow the same steps to get started with our organizing project:
Discovery Session
Defining your goal. Be specific. What is your desired outcome? What do you want the space to look like? What activities would you like to do? What do you love and what do you hate the most?
Picking a space
It’s very powerful to be able to start and finish one space for you to experience a functional and inviting space. What Space is going to bring you the most Joy.
Get others involved
If you are living with others, please make sure to get them involved. No one will support you if they don’t feel a part of the process.
Get help
Yes getting help makes the process so much faster and fun!
Scheduling the right amount of time
Be realistic.
Before and after photos
It’s very nice to see them once you are done.
After the decluttering part is done you will know for sure what items can stay in the space. It’s time to decide what the best system would be to make your space inviting and functional.
“If you skip the decluttering part you will end up organizing and finding “homes” for items that don’t belong there. Most likely the result won’t be as inviting and functional as expected”
Most times you may able to use products and storage solutions that you already have. You may not be aware of everything you own until you finish touching every item. That’s why we encourage you not to buy anything yet.
These are the steps that we normally follow when organizing:
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Sit in a relaxed position. Take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes. Visualize the space in your home that you finished decluttering and organizing. Starting in one corner of the space visualize yourself touching your items, opening your drawers, going through every shelf.. are you able to visualize the items in their respective “homes”? If the answer is yes… Congratulations! You brought functionality and joy to your life using the art of organizing.
We hope this post helps you bring Functionality and Joy into your Life. Happy journey!
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