
Power of Positive Leadership to Build a Successful Team

"If you believe you can do, You will end up doing. Do you doubt if you can do, You will not do even if you can do. When you don’t know if you can do, Believe you can do. Or be in the company of people who can make you believe you can do. But shun the company of naysayers." - Jaganathan T

Power of Positive Leadership to Build a Successful Team

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Role of Jambavans

Hanuman did not know that he has the capability to cross the ocean and Jambavan made him believe that he has the capability to achieve the mission and Hanuman achieved as believed by Jambavan.

We have seen various tactics used by Jambavan to coach Hanuman. I shall narrate one final powerful tactic used by Jambuvan to boost Hanuman’s confidence. Jambavan explains the rationale for his confidence in the strength of Hanuman by reminding him that he is the son of Vayu who is the Lord of Wind, and few of his childhood adventures.

Learning: Explain the rationale for the confidence so that the receiving party feels the Genuinity and the warmth.

"When you were a boy you saw the just risen sun in the vast of forest, and deeming it to be a just ripen reddish fruit, and thinking it to be a best catch, you hopped up and flew towards the sun in the sky."

Here Jambavan narrates a childhood adventure of Hanuman, making the challenge at hand much easier.

Learning: Narrate instances of previous success. Don’t talk about failures.

"Arise, oh, lion-like monkey, leap over this vast ocean, oh, Hanuman, your escape velocity is indeed unalike that of all the other beings."

Thus Jambavan concluded his long speech and persuaded Hanuman to get ready for the action. Hanuman increased his size and took a giant leap across the ocean with confidence. Rest is history.

Hanuman did wonders at Lanka. But we cannot ignore the role of Jambavan in preparing Hanuman for the wonders. Jambavans are also as important as Hanumans in every team.

All successful men would have faced Jambavans on many occasions. Let us ask ourselves, "How many Hanumans can I develop."

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Positive Reinforcement

We don’t have to wait for a Jambavan. We can do the "positive reinforcement" to ourselves to boost our confidence. A simple technique to positively reinforce our mind.


Think of 5 "positive reinforcement" statements about you such as 'I remain strong and healthy', 'I am hardworking', 'I am honest & trustworthy', 'I will work hard to achieve my dream', etc. Say loud all the 5 reinforcement statements two times daily. Adding to this, at the end of each day, think of instances where you had the opportunity to prove the 5 "positive reinforcements" and where you felt a need for improvement. You will realize the power of this simple technique if we do this every day without fail.

Hanuman initially did not volunteer his services for the mission. He kept silent when everyone else was listing their capabilities. Rama is a role model for Hanuman and did Hanuman hesitate to give his best efforts for Rama’s service though he had the capability to take up the mission? Definitely not. Hanuman did not even know of his capabilities and hence did not volunteer. Many of us are in the same position. Many a times, we end up not trying great things because we do not realize our potential.

Story goes like this. "Hanuman is the son of Wind God Vayu. Hanuman got his divine power to fly from Indra and other Gods. Armed with this power, Hanuman got mischievous as a child. Hanuman would disturb Rishi’s tapas by taking away their articles and flying away. Annoyed at this, Rishi cursed Hanuman that Hanuman would lose his 'flying power'. Hanuman’s mother Anjana pleaded with the Rishis for forgiveness. Rishis relented and modified the curse that Hanuman will forget his 'flying powers' till reminded about it by a wise man at an appropriate time.      

Hanuman Phenomenon

The story might sound absurd for a rationalist. Flying power', curses and boon?? Actually not if you look at the inner meaning and learning it gives. We would have faced "Hanuman Phenomenon" at many occasions in our life. I have seen many Hanumans. I myself had gone through "Hanuman Phenomenon" many a times. We get many Hanumans in our teams who do not readily realize their capabilities. They are not aware of their capabilities. They do not readily grab opportunities. They are unsure of themselves. Most of us are Hanumans in a way. All of us have tremendous potential called the 'intellectual power' which can be harnessed exponentially but we are not aware of the full potential of our mind.

'Curse' in the story is not illogical but 'a vital learning'. We face 'curses' in many forms. These 'Curses' are constant negative ambience – negative feedback, fear, trauma, moving with negative minded people, constant criticism, Lack of self-confidence, etc. Anybody will forget their power (i.e. lose confidence) under the influence of these 'curses' until a mentor like Jambavan arrives. We don’t need to wait for a Jambavan to realize our potential. We can transform ourselves. But there are many Hanumans who need mentors. Good mentors can create WOW effect on the 'self-confidence'. Mentoring is a very special relationship where the mentor and the mentee develop complete trust between themselves.

Being around negative people can drain your energy and cause you to feel trapped and overwhelmed. Learning to recognize the negative people in your life, and finding ways to avoid them will result in a more sustainable and satisfying life for you. If you can't avoid the person completely, there are ways to handle the person's negativity and limit the effect it has on your life.


If you want to request a Mentoring session, please click here.

Jaganathan T
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Jaganathan T
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