Personal Development

Collarbone Breathing Technique: Boost Strength & Wellbeing

For the benefit of demonstrating the increase in just the physical strength alone achieved by this technique one should use Applied Kinesiology arm testing (on both arms) on the client before and after the application of collarbone breathing. The testing should be done with the right arm extended while two fingers from the left arm are placed just under the collarbone (K27 point) on the right side – the client should be asked to remember the level of strength they have, then have them extend the left arm while having two fingers from the right hand placed underneath the collarbone on the left side and test the resistance level there too. Once the collarbone breathing (as described below) is completed, re-test the client in the same manner and you and they should note a major difference in the resistance/strength levels.

Collarbone Breathing Technique: Boost Strength & Wellbeing

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Collarbone Breathing

The Neurological Disorganization correction procedure, which Dr. Callahan refers to as Collarbone Breathing, is as follows:

Place the right index finger and middle finger on the soft tissue point just below the left side collarbone (K-27). With the left hand index and middle finger of the left hand, tap the gamut spot (on the back of the hand, between the baby finger and index finger) while breathing in fully and deeply, hold the breath, let out half the breath, then the other half, then breathe in a half breath. Breathe normally for a few moments and then do the same with the other hand, i.e. left fingers now over to the right K-27 point and, with the index and middle finger of the right hand, tap the gamut spot and do the same tapping and breathing sequence. That connects the right brain to the left side, and vice versa. Then it needs to be done homolaterally, i.e. the right hand fingers on the right K-27 point, the same tapping and breathing sequence, and then the same with the left hand fingers on the left K-27 point.

Using this routine regularly, i.e. three times a day has apparently proved helpful to some schizophrenics and sufferers of chronic depression. Similar results have also been achieved by using the deep psychological reversal routine (tender point near heart) eight times a day.

As a bonus for all the times a therapist may demonstrate this exercise, they will probably find subtle or significant improvements in their own sense of well-being, overall coordination, and clarity of thinking.

Professor Langman of NYU medical school found a correlate for psychological reversal in a study showing polarity reversals being present with the diagnosis of cancer, and noted that when the cancerous tumour was surgically removed, the polarity reversal returned to normal.

Dr. James Durlacher has developed a series of algorithms for testing, tapping and breathing for reversal corrections that he calls ACU-Power.

Durlacher gives much credit for his work to Dr. Callahan and, as has Dr. Callahan for pain control, he has also effectively used Bach Flower Remedies or "Rescue Remedy", which is a combination of five of the Bach Flower Remedies, to counteract any recurring reversals. He recommends using five drops every waking hour, then tapping the psychological reversal point (tender point on left-side near heart) while using affirmation statements.

Such techniques have been noted as effective for schizophrenics (Walther/Wakefield/Flint), as well as for dyslexia and other learning difficulties, and for improvement of coordination and physical gait.

For athletes, the benefits include the sense of well-being, balance, coordination, strength and ability to make wise decisions when under any form of mental or physical duress/stress.

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