Personal Development

3 Skills to Build Your Ultimate 21st Century Employee

In today’s world, CEOs stress that their corporations need highly qualified and skilled workers to continue improving their bottom line.

Brad Smith, CEO of Intuit “People who live our company values, who treat failures as learning opportunities, and who lead with their emotional quotient and their curiosity quotient, rather than their intelligence quotient. In every job interview I ask the candidate what their biggest mistake has been and what they learned from it.”

They find that employees are entering the workforce with a “degree of separation” where they not only have to learn the job but must also change how they learned in school and college.

It commonly happens because schools, regardless of level, have not invested enough time, energy and resources into making these critical elements a priority.

Corporations will never reach their fullest potential and shall continue to see the same outcomes unless they inject the right DNA in their employees.

Taking the concept of favorite 70’s show, The Six Million Dollar Man, let’s take a moment to remember….The old computer screen shows the audience, “a human being whose original human parts have had to be replaced to one extent or another…”. During the introduction credits, our imagination soars with inspiration while we watch the footage. Then the announcer comes on during the music and says, “Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology; we have the capability.”

3 Skills to Build Your Ultimate 21st Century Employee

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How we train employees for the 21st Century

Drawing similar analogies, we must think about how we train employees for the 21st Century with the same concept.

We have the technology. We have the capability to build a better employee, and we know the DNA that we must add to build a highly skilled professional.

An Open or Growth Mindset comes from the research of Dr. Carol Dweck where one believes and learns that they can do better and are welcome to ideas to advance themselves without fear.

New York Times Best Seller Angela Duckworth explains the true meaning of Grit. The definition centers on the concept that through passion and perseverance, will outperform natural talent.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ or EI) originates from researchers Peter Salovey and John Mayer where we understand and manage our own emotions while having the ability to influence the feelings of others.

Combining these three skill sets enables almost any worker to transform themselves and evolve into a highly functioning employee.

Combining these three elements will transform a typical worker into a high functioning individual capable of handling any task given to them.

So what’s the DNA you need to inject into your employees?

#employee #21stCentury #workforce #workforcedevelopment

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