Personal Development

Never Stop Learning: Tips for Becoming an Eternal Learner

Ages ago, a great philosopher was sentenced to death because the rulers of the land were threatened by his wisdom. So while the imprisoned philosopher was awaiting his destiny behind the bars, he heard a prisoner in the next cell playing some soothing music.

“Can you please shift me to the next cell?” asked the philosopher to the jailer. When the jailer enquired for the reason, the philosopher expressed his keenness to learn the soothing music from the prisoner in the other cell. The jailer laughed and said, “You are going to die shortly and you want learn music.” The philosopher remarked – “that’s exactly the point, I am about to die and hence this is my last chance to LEARN before I die.”

The moral of the story – there is no right time to learn. It’s an eternal process. The million dollar question is how many of us really learn all the time and how do we do it. Here are some tips that might be useful.

Never Stop Learning: Tips for Becoming an Eternal Learner

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Mark Twain once said, “the man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.” There is so much to read, yet the habit of reading is painfully diminishing, thanks to the advent of technology.

You could be different by choosing to read. Read for knowledge, for wisdom, for language and if not anything else just for the sheer joy of reading.

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Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked WHY? Perhaps he could do so because he was not just watching; he was observing. Great learners develop a keen sense of observing things minutely and that distinguishes them from the rest. So don’t just see things the way they are; observe, so that you can change them.


Do not speak unless you can improve the silence. How often do we see people trying to hog the limelight by speaking incessantly? Unfortunately, such personal broadcasting is good to none. Listening, on the other hand involves empathetic understanding about others, and gives you a chance to know more. Wise people follow the golden rule – Talk less, listen more.


No one person can know everything under the sun. An interaction gives you an opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas with people from diverse fields of excellence. This not only enhances your periphery of knowledge but also makes you aware of what’s happening in your industry, your nation and even around the globe.

This is not an exhaustive list, and to put it honestly, there cannot be one. Learning is an ocean that draws its waters from many rivers, lakes and even ponds. Use them all…HAPPY LEARNING!!!

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