
Treat Success & Failure Alike: Either Win or Learn

"(If you fight) you will either be slain in the battlefield and go to the celestial abodes (as a shatriya dying in the battlefield), or you will gain victory and enjoy the kingdom. Therefore, arise with determination, O son of Kunti, and be prepared to fight with determination." Bhagavad Gita 2.37

Start any work with the thought 'Will Succeed or Will Learn to Succeed Later' but will try with determination.

Treat Success & Failure Alike: Either Win or Learn

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Success Knows No Age Limit

Never worry about succeeding later because success can come any time. There is no time or age limit for success. Let us see some case studies:

Alan Rickman’s first movie role came at 46; Ray Kroc joined the McDonald’s franchise at 53; Nelson Mandela emerged after 27 years in jail and became the president of South Africa at 76. There’s Julia Child, who was 50 when she hosted her first TV show.

Colonel Harland Sanders was 65 when he began franchising his chicken business using his $105 monthly Social Security check. Today, Kentucky Fried Chicken operates more than 5,200 restaurants in the United States and more than 15,000 units around the world.

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Why Not Start with a Strong Wish to Succeed?

Now go back to all those memories when you wanted to take up some new opportunity and you didn’t, because you feared that you may not succeed. Or the time when you took the opportunity, but put so much pressure on yourself wanting to succeed creating immense stress or the time when you didn’t succeed and felt like a loser, demotivated and full of self doubt.

Whenever you get a chance to explore a new opportunity, you will normally have the starting thought. Will I succeed or not and What is the probability of success? You want to succeed, but you have this fear and that will influence your sub-conscious mind strongly and can make it a failure. You know that the sub-conscious mind is very powerful.

What can happen if you start any initiative with a desperate wish to succeed? Good no doubt. But your self-esteem could take a hit if at all you have to face failure in spite of your best efforts.

Life is a journey, not a destination. And it is all these opportunities, experiences and learning which takes you forward.

Learning is a continuous process, something you can look forward to and take that new learning to new opportunities.

Knowing that, you will either succeed or you will learn is a very positive and stress free proposition. It doesn’t mean that you won’t give your best.

Life is very beautiful. You are getting more powerful by adding on a wealth of experiences with each opportunity.

"I never lose. I either win or I learn" – Nelson Mandela

Whenever you don’t succeed, see what went wrong. Was it because of unavoidable circumstances or was it because you didn’t plan, prepare and practice well enough. Learn how to learn when you don’t succeed. And take that learning and move on to the next effort.

When you take "failure" out of your dictionary, you are also removing yet another F word. FEAR. Both are F…. words.

Is Success and Failure the Same?

"Fight for the sake of duty, treating alike happiness and distress, loss and gain, victory and defeat. Fulfilling your responsibility in this way, you will never incur sin."

Three pairs of antonyms are there in this sloka. Sukha-dukha, labha-alabha, jaya-ajaya i.e. happiness and distress, gain and loss and victory and defeat. What does Lord Krishna ask us to do with these? Simple. Treat success and victory alike. Treat happy moments and distress times the same. Treat gain and loss in the same way.

Is it possible? How do we get that maturity to treat success and failure the same way? Why is it important to treat success and failure alike? We will see in the next blog.

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  • 2024-01-16 12:48:07
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