
What is Symbolic Listening? Listen Deeper & Connect Better!

Have you ever felt like someone heard what you're saying, but didn't actually listen? Do you yourself sometimes get distracted when someone is talking to you? Are you really, sincerely present? Or is there a part of you that tries to speed up, control or escape the conversation...? Have you ever wondered how some people do, to have this attentive listening which gives the impression that nothing else exists around, just the time of this exchange... Who are fully present? It is symbolic listening, listening with symbols... Which makes hidden realities understood, and allows us to connect deeply with the other...

What is Symbolic Listening? Listen Deeper & Connect Better!

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The Symbols

The definition and meaning of symbols – what we call symbolic language – is one of the cornerstones of understanding how human consciousness works. This language is revealed essentially through dreams, which we patiently learn to decode, in order to understand the messages delivered to us to guide us in our projects, our choices, our decisions, our actions, our words...

The UCM Education and Research Center has published the Source Code Dictionary for this purpose, an exciting, essential, fundamental reference, thanks to which it becomes possible to learn and understand, independently, the signals of our unconscious, the keys to our memories...

Thus, it becomes “easy” – more and more over time – to shed light on our dark zones, our invisible, the regions buried in us which are only discovered if we really decide to walk towards them.

But in the deep desire to know oneself spiritually there is sometimes hidden a widespread tendency to “just see the invisible”, that is to say to be only interested in what is happening in the inner world, with the logical consequence of moving away from the concrete presence of everyday life, to get tired of the surrounding reality, even to reject it. We fly away. We're going. Eventually, we get lost. Because it is possible to get lost in the abstract… Because we only listen to ourselves. We are sometimes only interested in ourselves and our “evolution”. And we can forget the others.

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One of the explanations for this failing lies in the fact that we have lost our listening. Attentive listening at every moment of our life. Conscious listening. Just as there is symbolic language, there is also symbolic listening, alive in every interaction, every exchange, every gesture. Even every silence...

Here is a particularly striking example, taken from the testimony of a teacher: during a class assembly, a student suddenly complained of a marked discomfort felt during a lesson on health.

"Sir, I don't want to go to this lesson anymore, it disgusts me, and the lady doesn't understand anything, she doesn't listen to me. Everything disgusts me, it makes me want to vomit!"

Strong words, raw language, almost brutal; a tense, drawn, contemptuous, grimacing face…

"What did you talk about, José?"

"That was sex education, that disgusting thing, the male device. It disgusts me!"

When we then learn that José does not eat at the same table as his father, going so far as to deprive himself of meals, that they do not speak to each other, that he does not receive pocket money, that he is one of many siblings of children born to several mothers, we begin to understand why the male reproductive system disgusts him and why he no longer wants to attend sex education classes.

In this first stage of accompanying a young person in disarray, struggling with life, symbolic listening is of paramount importance. For the time being, it is a question of detecting the memories at stake, finding the roots of the malaise, understanding by heart what type of destiny has been activated...

We certainly have a particularly evocative example here, almost “obvious”, and yet… If we reflect well, with honesty, on our day yesterday, on our past week, on all of our days – are we really listening?

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They are All Around Us

It is not necessary to analyze a case of abuse to find symbols; they are everywhere… Like images that help us understand what others are going through in their inner world:

  • "Ah, winter has started, it's really bad weather..."
  • “I hurt my back yesterday, but hey, you know I have to keep taking care of everything here, otherwise nothing will move forward…”
  • "My phone is broken; I did not see your message!"
  • “All these wars in the world; it's bad…”

But it can also be positive, of course:

  • “I am delighted with my last music lesson with my friends!"
  • “How nice of you to give me these beautiful flowers."
  • “I slept really well last night…”

When we practice symbolic listening, it is like opening our eyes to a new world. Everything takes on a meaning that we had perhaps never suspected. And thanks to its friend the law of resonance, they form a top-level guidance duo capable of teaching us as much about others as about ourselves.

This is symbolic listening: hearing that behind disgust, there is suffering... that behind the cold winters, there may be the beginnings of depression... behind the flowers, there are feelings that may never be said or received...

And you, are you in tune with life?

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