Students Globally:
Are you aware that the next wave of learning is here?
While self-study video-based learning has been transformational, now learners want more. Research shows that without any reinforcement or connections to prior knowledge (i.e. self-directed learning), learners forget 56% of the information in one hour, 66% after a day, and 75% after six days.
From E-Learning Platforms to Self-Directed Learning Platforms (content search and discovery) in the past, we are now in the era of Learning Delivery and Application - creating a learning experience that drives Mastery, Skills Development, and Growth in the Flow of Work.
Are learners advancing their skills and is it helping them to grow in their career? We know people don’t only learn to get better at their jobs.
Uplyrn is an all-in-one skills ecosystem, providing end-users with learning & development opportunities, and better career outcomes. At Uplyrn, we want our learners to not just engage with content but also interact with their mentors, coaches, subject-matter experts. We want our learners to advance their skills so they can do more, take a new position, or catalyze their career advancement.
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and grow, wherever, whenever. And we are here to help make that happen.
Skill Level