Explore the crucial ways your behaviors influence your leadership potential. Gain profound insight and skill development for growth as an exceptional leader.
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What you'll learn
How can I identify which behaviours to START doing right now?
Which behaviours, if I stop doing, will elevate my personal brand and leadership today?
How can I give and receive feedback in a way that builds relationships?
How can I manage all the noise in my brain that gets in the way of my being my best?
What can we do about our false assumptions, judgments, and perceptions that keep getting in the way of reality?
How can I adopt the Super Leader Attitudes and reframe my limiting beliefs?
Which communication approach do I take based on what I want the outcome of the conversation to be?
What do I do if someone makes my blood boil, and I am about to lose control, during a conversation?
Do I have to be touchy feely and use emotion in order to build relationships through conversation?
How do I get others to really care about their job the way I do?
What can I do with the folks that are doing well so they stay?
What do I need to change about how I lead in order for them to change how they show up?
How do I resolve conflict in a way that moves the relationship forward?
What are the different styles of conflict and which one works best for me?
Why so some people "see" and experience something so different than what we do in the same situation?
How to say "No" without using the word "No" when appropriate.
How you help people by saying "No" WITHOUT saying "No".
Learn how to shift your thinking so that it becomes effortless to say No and pay attention to your needs while also accomplishing what others may want.
Experience a transformative journey with Carol's Leadership Mastery Program designed to explore the crucial ways in which your behaviors influence your leadership potential. Gaining access to this profound insight and skill development is essential for your growth as an exceptional leader.
Approaching Situations and Manage Employees Effectively
Have you ever pondered the most effective approach to handle a situation or interact with someone to achieve your desired outcome?
What do you do when faced with a challenging scenario?
When is it appropriate to employ logic in your approach, and how can you do so?
Furthermore, how can you influence others with sincerity and without manipulation?
If you've experienced your boundaries being crossed and are unsure of how to restore them, this course will equip you with the necessary skills to address these challenges and more.
Motivating Your Employees
Encouraging your employees to excel!
It's common to place blame on others when they appear to be falling short, often labeling them as the weakest link in your team. However, we often overlook potential solutions, or identify blind spots that could inspire others to strive for better performance. This course will provide you with a practical plan to effectively motivate your team members.
Constructive Conflict Management
Rather than causing destruction, conflict can be constructive.
On average, employees spend about three hours per week embroiled in conflict. This equates to a full day of lost productivity each month and 2.5 weeks per year spent to resolve conflicts instead of collaboration. This course offers insights into why some individuals dedicate significant time to unproductive matters and how we can leverage conflict to build, rather than destroy, relationships.
Assertive Communication: Saying No Effectively
Learning to decline without using the word "No."
Difficulty in refusing requests is not limited to people-pleasers; it's a challenge commonly faced by everyone, depending on the circumstances, individuals involved, and reasons at hand. This course sheds light on the importance of tactfully declining requests when appropriate, and provides strategies to assertively convey a negative response without explicitly using the word "No," ensuring a suitable and effective outcome for all parties involved.
What you'll learn
Experience a transformative journey with Carol's Leadership Mastery Program designed to explore the crucial ways in which your behaviors influence your leadership potential. Gaining access to this profound insight and skill development is essential for your growth as an exceptional leader.
Approaching Situations and Manage Employees Effectively
Have you ever pondered the most effective approach to handle a situation or interact with someone to achieve your desired outcome?
What do you do when faced with a challenging scenario?
When is it appropriate to employ logic in your approach, and how can you do so?
Furthermore, how can you influence others with sincerity and without manipulation?
If you've experienced your boundaries being crossed and are unsure of how to restore them, this course will equip you with the necessary skills to address these challenges and more.
Motivating Your Employees
Encouraging your employees to excel!
It's common to place blame on others when they appear to be falling short, often labeling them as the weakest link in your team. However, we often overlook potential solutions, or identify blind spots that could inspire others to strive for better performance. This course will provide you with a practical plan to effectively motivate your team members.
Constructive Conflict Management
Rather than causing destruction, conflict can be constructive.
On average, employees spend about three hours per week embroiled in conflict. This equates to a full day of lost productivity each month and 2.5 weeks per year spent to resolve conflicts instead of collaboration. This course offers insights into why some individuals dedicate significant time to unproductive matters and how we can leverage conflict to build, rather than destroy, relationships.
Assertive Communication: Saying No Effectively
Learning to decline without using the word "No."
Difficulty in refusing requests is not limited to people-pleasers; it's a challenge commonly faced by everyone, depending on the circumstances, individuals involved, and reasons at hand. This course sheds light on the importance of tactfully declining requests when appropriate, and provides strategies to assertively convey a negative response without explicitly using the word "No," ensuring a suitable and effective outcome for all parties involved.
No course requirements.
Course Content
6 Sections 33 Lectures 1h 41m total length
Subjects of Expertise
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