Personal Development

Are We Preparing Employees for the Future of Work?

This simple and yet powerful question should make everyone stop and reflect on this premise: are we preparing employees for the future of work? Even though millions of Americans may have a degree, served in the military or have great insight from their prior employers, they probably lack the skill sets needed in the 21st Century Workplace.

When this happens, they often find themselves outside of the list of candidates being interviewed.

If we’re preparing the next generation workforce, more must be done to enhance the training. Otherwise, we will continue to fail those who need this change the most.

To build a better and more equipped workforce, there are four essential components: better professional development, flipping the classroom, collaborating with companies and acquiring the resources to make the transition.

Taking a simple concept such as the Flipped Classroom Model to reset the workplace will have a significant impact on the instructors and the class as it changes the model from teacher-centered to student-centered.

Making the transition cannot be done without having the quality resources and time in place. The investment here, whether it is grants, equipment or other items links the theory to practice.

Research has also shown that instructors can close learning gaps and the most optimal way for this to be conducted is through better professional development.

Lastly, collaborating with companies to learn their needs remains in the frontier of the solution. For if we don’t listen and adjust, then those unemployed will continue looking for their careers.

So, what’s your solution to creating a stronger workforce in your area?

We'll love to hear how you make tomorrow better for your company, your team and your customers!

#workforce #humanresources #skillsets #business #future #work

Are We Preparing Employees for the Future of Work?

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