
Do You Feel Like Giving Up With Your Online Business?

How many times you’ve been reaching a point where things just do not work out for you, and somehow you are finding reasons why things would get worse?

Perhaps you haven’t given up, yet, but this feeling of aimlessness makes the entire experience more painful.

When you try to find what works, for some reason you feel frustrated, because you have certain doubts and fears. Reaching that low point where you think things are not going anywhere, especially with your online business, can shoot you down very quickly.

You need something else in order to bring yourself back up. You need the motivation to keep you going undoubtedly and work until you get there.

So, how to work it all out?

How to overcome this temptation of “not being good enough” and feeling like being lost down the road?

Do You Feel Like Giving Up With Your Online Business?

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First, You Need to Know that this is a Temporary Condition

All those negative feelings, like the feeling of failure, the feeling of aimlessness, powerlessness, and not knowing what to do, are just illusions created by the mind. They are nothing more than just irrational fantasies that are running inside your head.

That’s completely normal, we all have those, because of the unknown, some level uncertainty and doubts.

You need to be aware that those feelings are NOT going to last forever, because everyday of life is different, bringing you new opportunities and challenges that can replace your current conditions or situations at ANY TIME.

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The Most Successful People Today were in the Lowest Point of their Life

Not everyone inherits wealth and opportunities. Most self-made millionaires were living in cars, vans, and the world barely knew they existed.

I’ve been studying some of the most successful people in general, and I can tell that they all have something in common. Despite all difficulties and challenges, they stayed longer and persisted more than everyone else, because they needed CHANGE.

“Persistence trumps talent.” – Daniel Pink. There are a lot of talented people out there, but they fail, because they give up and quit in the face of any challenge. Your job is to stay longer and believe in yourself that things are going to work out. It’s a mind game.

Stop Looking for Certainty

The high levels of anxiety most people get are because they do not take risks and always move along the path of less resistance. Nothing is certain in this world, things are too unpredictable and chaotic, but you have to be strong to handle whatever life brings you.

Steve Jobs, in a commencement speech at Stanford, said that you have to connect the dots backwards. You have to look back into life and see what you already know to connect the dots, because you can’t predict what the future would look like and connecting them in the future.

Looking for certainty creates inner friction inside of us. This is causing inaction, procrastination and all of the negative emotions associated with that experience. Instead, look at the uncertain world and be ready to handle whatever life brings you, because you have dreams to feed.

The Law of Attraction is Not All Hype

There’s a certain sense of truth when it comes to the “law of attraction”. You attract the people, circumstance, and money, based on what you THINK and how you take ACTION, associated with your beliefs. When you chase things in life, they move away from you. Do not chase, but set the conditions you need and let them come to you. However, nothing is going to come to you unless you put certain effort into whatever you are trying to accomplish. 

There’s a difference between wishing/knowing and doing to make it happen. You can’t get out of the situation you are in, unless you take action, not just thinking or considering doing it.

Be Willing to Make Mistakes

“Every result, good or bad, is an asset, as long as you learn from it.” – John Reese

Do not be afraid to experiment and make mistakes. This feeling of “avoiding the failure” can paralyze us from exploring things and taking action. Be playful, test things out. If something does not work is a lesson all by itself. When things work is a different lesson.

Make mistakes, they are part of life. Do not be afraid to fail. Sure, if we lose it does not feel good, but the rewards after multiple failures, as a result of succeeding, are ten times more fulfilling.

Do Not Expect Instant Results

Most people expect an instant fix to their problems, especially the financial ones. They bring false expectations, which leads to frustration. The reason why failure appears to be so painful is because of focusing on monetary results, rather than something that may have a long-term fulfillment – like making a difference in somebody else’s life, making the world a better place, etc.

Having an online business is NOT just about you. You need to bring people in (customers, partners, team members) that have to trust and like you. If you think about yourself all the time, extracting and getting money from others, you’ll eventually reach a point where things are not moving as expected. That’s why people give up.

Wake Up with the Idea of “Today would be Better than Yesterday.”

All the things you do in the morning determine your ENTIRE DAY. It’s the same with your thoughts, emotions and convictions. The way you start experiencing things in the morning are going to give you the map for the day.

When you eat healthy food in the morning, you’ll have the energy to maintain it in the afternoon and even the evening.

If you turn on the TV in the morning, and see all the horrible in the terrible – we usually see in the news – it’s going to tune your psyche in a negative and less optimistic way of viewing things. Being positive or optimistic is key to sustain high performance, especially if things do not work out at the beginning.

Chris Diamond
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