Personal Development

Find a Mentor: Proven Strategies for Career Transformation

Find a Mentor: Proven Strategies for Career Transformation

Today's golden nugget could be a game changer for you. It’s pretty simple…find a mentor. I've had the privilege of being mentored by some of the top mentors in the world!

  • Dr. Donald Moine
  • Dante Perano
  • Les Brown
  • Ben Gay III
  • Jay Abraham
  • And several others
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How do you find a mentor?

So the question might come up, how do you find a mentor? It starts with the mindset that it's possible. I think for me it was just intuitive. In order for somebody to be a mentor they need a mentee. So you can be a mentee for these mentors. It’s really about building relationship. It's about trust and rapport. It's setting the intention that somebody is going to become your mentor. Look for opportunity to spend time with them. Look for how you can create value for them. What are things that you could do? Maybe they need a ride from the airport. Maybe there's something that they need some help with. You know, in some cases I hired my mentors. In the case of Jay Abraham we built our relationship by me joining his mastermind program. So that's how I was able to get around him to build that mentoring relationship.

The big point for today is to set the intention that you're going to find a mentor. You can have mentors in multiple different areas of your life. Once you identify somebody that you want to have as your mentor, look for ways that you can create value for them.

What if the idea I just put into your unconscious mind manifest itself and you manifest a mentor and that relationship changes your life forever? That would be fantastic!

Thanks for reading and I look forward to the next time we connect!

Make it a great day!

Eric Lofholm
Featured Uplyrn Expert
Eric Lofholm
Master Sales Trainer, Keynote Speaker, EntrepreneurNOW Network
Subjects of Expertise: Sales Skills, Motivation, Mindset & Strategies
Featured Uplyrn Expert
Eric Lofholm
Master Sales Trainer
Keynote Speaker
EntrepreneurNOW Network

Subjects of Expertise

Sales Skills
Mindset & Strategies

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