
How to Make a Camera App in Android Studio

Even if you have no experience, we got you this blog that answers all your questions. Financial Express says - India to have the world’s most extensive app developers base by 2024. A report by PPI reveals that India has 1.674 million app economy jobs as of August 2019, a growth of 39% from 1.208 million in 2016. According to, an app developer in India earns an average annual salary of 7 lakh per annum. As the need for apps is growing, the demand for app developers is increasing daily. Also, 3% of the publishers of apps are from India. According to The Economic Times, an average consumer spends almost 5 hours using apps. So knowing how to develop apps can help to secure your future.

The purpose of making a camera app in Android Studio is to provide users with a convenient and hassle-free way to take photos and record videos on their Android devices. The camera app is a simple but essential feature of any smartphone. A custom camera app can supply additional functionality and customisation options compared to the pre-installed camera app.

How to Make a Camera App in Android Studio

A camera app in Android Studio can be created by following these steps:

  • Set up Android Studio and do a new project.
  • Design the user interface for the camera app using XML code in the layout folder.
  • Add the necessary allowance for camera access in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
  • Create a class for the camera functionality using the Android Camera API. 
  • Connect the camera preview and take picture buttons to the corresponding functions in the camera class.
  • Use the Camera and PictureCallback interface to save the captured image to the device's storage. 
  • Test the camera app on an emulator or a physical device. 
  • Make any essential changes and debug the code until the app works as desired.

Importance of Making a Camera App to Enhance the Phone's Camera Capabilities

Making a camera app can enhance the capabilities of a phone's camera in many ways:

  1. Customization: A camera app lets users personalise their camera experience with features such as Scene Modes, Exposure Control, Portrait, Colour Grading, Panorama and more.
  2. Improved Functionality: The camera app could also add functionality not available in the default camera app, such as manual controls, real-time filters, and burst mode.
  3. Better Image Quality: The camera app can improve image quality by implementing advanced features like HDR, low light mode, and manual focus.
  4. Unique Features: The camera app can offer unique features such as panoramic shots, time-lapse videos, and 360-degree photos. 
  5. Increased Storage: The camera app can provide more storage options for photos and videos, such as cloud storage and automatic backup, usually paid for in pre-installed camera apps. These are some ways a camera app can have the edge over a pre-installed camera app.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for the course today and start your journey to becoming an expert camera app developer. The system is available at, and with the help of the instructor having years of proven experience, you'll be creating your very own camera app in no time!

How to Make a Camera App in Android Studio

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What is Android Studio?

Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for making Android apps. It is a free and open-source software platform created by Google based on the IntelliJ IDEA Java IDE. It confers a user-friendly interface for designing, coding, testing, and deploying Android applications.

Advantages of Using Android Studio

There are many benefits to using Android Studio as an IDE for developing Android apps; they mainly include a User-friendly Interface, Code Productivity, Emulator and Testing Tools, Integration with Google Services, Increased Collaboration and Fast Deployment. The given benefits can't be found anywhere else. So, go for Android studio.

Key Features of Android Studio

Android Studio has several key features that make it a powerful and popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing Android apps. These include a Visual Layout Editor, Code Completion and Error Highlighting, Emulator, Debugging Tools, Integration with Google Services, Multi Screen Support, Gradle-based Build System, Version Control.

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Setting Up the Camera Preview and Rotation Feature

Explanation of Permissions for Camera Permit:

  1. Permissions are a way for Android apps to get certain features and data on a device. To use the camera on an Android device, an app must request permission to access the camera. 
  2. There are two types of permissions in Android: standard and dangerous. Legal clearances are those which do not pose a risk to user privacy and are usually automatically granted by the system while installing the application. Dangerous permissions, on the other hand, could potentially compromise confidentiality and privacy and must be voluntarily given by them/at their risk. 
  3. When an app requests actions for the camera, the user will see a dialogue asking for permission to access the camera. The user can choose to grant or deny the license. 
  4. If the user denies the permission, the app will not be able to access the camera. However, the user can change their mind and grant a license later, either in the app's settings or by reinstalling it.
  5. It’s a necessary permission because if one accepts the consent, the app can access the camera at any time while you are using the app. 
  6. It's necessary for developers to understand the importance of requesting only the permissions required to explain why they are needed. This will help build trust with users and increase the likelihood that they will grant necessary permissions. If not, then the developers will lose credibility for sure.

Taking Pictures with the Camera App

A Picture Callback is a method or function triggered when the camera has taken a picture. The motive of the picture callback is to receive the image data and process it somehow, such as storing it or showing/displaying it on the screen.

Common Mistakes and Best Practices

Reviewing Common Mistakes in Code

  1. Typos and Misspellings: Typos and misspellings in code can lead to syntax errors, causing the code to fail to compile or run smoothly.
  2. Incorrect Data Types: Incorrect data types can cause the code to generate unexpected results, such as type mismatch errors and defective UI.
  3. Uninitialized Variables: Using an uninitialised variable may cause the code to produce a runtime error, such as a null reference exception.
  4. Null Pointer Exceptions: Null Pointer Exceptions occur when a code tries to access a null object, causing the code to crash. 
  5. Incorrect Function or Method Signatures: Wrong function or method signatures may cause the code to produce compile-time errors, such as type mismatch errors. 
  6. Off-By-One Errors: Off-by-one errors can cause the code to produce wrong results or lapse in execution smoothly.
  7. Unclosed Brackets or Parentheses: Unclosed brackets or parentheses may cause the code to produce syntax errors, making it very difficult to understand the code's intended behaviour.
  8. Hardcoded Values: Hardcoded values may make code inflexible, as it cannot be adapted to different inputs or changing requirements according to the user.
  9. Unimportant Code: Unimportant code may slow down the performance of the code, increase its size, and make it more challenging to maintain and run smoothly. 
  10. Inefficient Algorithms: Inefficient algorithms can slow down the performance of the code and make it take longer to comply.

Best Practices for Fixing Bugs

  1. Reproduce the Bug: Before fixing a bug, you need to know exactly what the heck is causing it. To reproduce the bug, you must run the code, observe the behaviour, and make a note of any error messages or unexpected results you find while testing the code.
  2. Isolate the Bug: Once you have reproduced the bug, you must try to isolate it by narrowing down the code that is producing the problem. This could involve using debugging tools, commenting out parts of the code, or manually testing different parts. 
  3. Debug the Code: Debugging the code involves finding the root cause of the bug and fixing it. This might include looking for syntax errors, checking for logical fallacies, or verifying that the code is functioning as intended or not.
  4. Test the Fix: Once you have fixed the bug, you must thoroughly test the code to ensure that the problem is solved and that no new bugs have been introduced that can alter the code's functionality. 
  5. Document the Bug: After you have fixed it, it is essential to document the bug, what caused it, and how it was fixed. This information will be helpful, especially if the bug resurfaces.
  6. Use Version Control: Version control systems, such as Git, could help you track changes to your code and revert to previous versions if a bug is introduced. This makes it easier to fix bugs, especially when working in a team.
  7. Write Clear and Concise Code: Writing clear and concise code makes it significantly easier to identify and fix bugs, as well as makes it very easy for others to understand and maintain the code in the future.
  8. Practice Good Coding Habits: Good coding habits, such as following coding standards and writing well-commented code, make it way easier to find and fix bugs and reform the overall quality of the code. 

By following these best practices, you can reduce the number of bugs in your code and make fixing bugs faster and easier.

Improving User Interface (UI)

  1. One Must Use Clear and Consistent Design Patterns: A consistent and clear design pattern makes it easier for users to understand how to navigate and use the application. 
  2. Make Sure the UI is Intuitive: An intuitive UI is one that users can understand easily without needing instructions, help or prior experience with similar apps. To achieve this, use clear and descriptive labels, well-placed buttons, and simple navigation that are easily understood by the masses.
  3. Use Appropriate Colours and Font Styles: Choosing appropriate colours and font styles can help create a visually appealing and professional look for the camera application. Make sure the UI is responsive - A responsive UI adapts to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring that users have a good experience no matter what brand or device they are using.
  4. Make Sure the UI is Accessible: Accessible UI can be used by people with disabilities, such as visual impairments or limited mobility. This can be achieved by using clear and concise language, avoiding clutter, and providing alternative forms of navigation. 
  5. Offer User Customisation Options: Allowing users to customise the UI will make the application feel more personal and increase engagement. 
  6. Use High-Quality Images and Graphics: High-quality images and pictures will help to make the application look more attractive and professional. 
  7. Provide Feedback: Providing feedback to users, such as relevant notifications, confirmation messages, and error messages, can help improve the overall experience and make it easier for users to understand what is happening within the application. Keeping in mind that the app is not spamming notifications.


Here is a brief recap of the critical points discussed in this blog:

  1. Understanding the camera API and Android development. 
  2. Planning the app. 
  3. Implementing the camera functionality. 
  4. Improving the user interface. 
  5. Debugging and testing - Best practices for fixing bugs.
  6. Providing and accepting proper feedback.

In conclusion, making a camera app in Android Studio requires an excellent understanding of Android development and the camera API. It is essential to start with a clear understanding of what you want the app to do and to plan the functionality, user interface, and overall structure of the app.

If you are new to Android development, we got you. Just click on the link here, and rest assured that you will be able to create your camera application in no time.

It is also essential to test the app thoroughly and to debug any issues that may arise. In addition, you should consider the user's experience and make sure that the app is intuitive, responsive, and accessible. 

By following these steps and best practices, you can create a very successful camera app in Android Studio that is both functional and user-friendly and has a great UI. However, creating a camera app is just the beginning, and there is always room for improvement and new features to be added. Keep experimenting, testing, and improving the app to make it the best.

If you're looking for a challenging and rewarding project, why not try making a camera app in Android Studio today? With the powerful camera API and the versatile development environment, you have all the tools you need to create a fantastic camera app that is both functional and user-friendly.

So don't wait any longer; grab your computer, and start building! Whether a seasoned developer or a fresher, you can gain valuable skills, related knowledge and experience by creating a camera app in Android Studio with the help of Uplyrn: India's leading course provider. The journey may be challenging, but the reward of seeing your app in action is well worth it. So what are you waiting for? Start coding today and take your first step towards creating a fantastic, thought-provoking and out-of-the-box camera app!

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