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How to Write a Resumé That Will Actually Get a Recruiter's Attention

In today's competitive job market, writing a resumé that stands out from the crowd is essential. Recruiters receive hundreds, if not thousands, of applications for each job posting. So, how can you ensure that your resumé catches their attention and lands you an interview? In this blog, we will share some valuable tips to help you create a resumé that will make recruiters take notice.

How to Write a Resumé That Will Actually Get a Recruiter's Attention

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Highlight Your Achievements to Make Your Resumé Stand Out

When crafting your resumé, it's crucial to focus on your achievements rather than just listing your job responsibilities. Highlight specific accomplishments and quantifiable results that demonstrate your skills and expertise. For example, instead of saying, "Managed a team of employees", you could say, "Led a team of 10 employees, resulting in a 15% increase in productivity".

By showcasing your achievements, you show potential employers what you can bring to the table and stand out from other candidates who may simply list their duties.

One important aspect of highlighting your achievements is to provide context. For instance, if you were responsible for increasing sales in your previous role, you could elaborate on the strategies you implemented to achieve that. Did you introduce a new marketing campaign? Did you develop a sales training program for your team? These details not only demonstrate your ability to achieve results but also showcase your problem-solving skills and creativity.

Furthermore, it's essential to quantify your achievements whenever possible. Numbers and statistics provide concrete evidence of your success. For example, instead of saying, "Improved customer satisfaction", you could say, "Implemented a customer feedback system, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction ratings". This not only shows that you were successful in improving customer satisfaction but also provides a measurable impact of your actions.

Another effective way to highlight your achievements is to use action verbs. Action verbs add strength and impact to your statements, making them more compelling. Instead of saying, "Assisted with project management", you could say, "Coordinated and executed multiple projects, resulting in a 30% reduction in project completion time". Action verbs such as "coordinated", "executed", and "reduced" convey a sense of proactivity and accomplishment.

Moreover, it's important to tailor your achievements to the specific job you are applying for. Review the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications the employer is seeking. Then, highlight your achievements that align with those requirements. This shows the employer that you have the relevant experience and skills they are looking for, increasing your chances of standing out among other candidates.

In conclusion, when crafting your resumé, it is crucial to focus on your achievements rather than just listing your job responsibilities. By providing context, quantifying your achievements, using action verbs, and tailoring your accomplishments to the job you are applying for, you can make your resumé stand out and demonstrate your value to potential employers.

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Showcase Your Relevant Skills to Make a Better Impression

In addition to highlighting your accomplishments, it's essential to showcase your relevant skills on your resumé. Take the time to identify the key skills required for the job you're applying for and make sure to emphasise these throughout your resumé. Whether it's technical skills, soft skills, or industry-specific skills, ensure that they are prominent and easy for recruiters to identify.

When it comes to technical skills, consider including programming languages, software proficiency, and any certifications you have obtained. These skills are highly sought after in today's digital age, and by showcasing them on your resumé, you demonstrate your ability to adapt to technological advancements and contribute to the success of the company.

Soft skills are equally important and can set you apart from other candidates. These skills include effective communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership. By highlighting these skills, you show potential employers that you possess the interpersonal abilities necessary to thrive in a collaborative work environment.

In addition to technical and soft skills, industry-specific skills are crucial for certain job positions. These skills are specific to a particular field or sector and demonstrate your expertise in that area. For example, if you are applying for a marketing role, you may want to emphasise your skills in digital marketing, social media management, or market research.

One effective way to showcase your skills is by creating a separate section on your resumé dedicated solely to listing them. This allows recruiters to quickly scan and identify the skills that are relevant to the job. Alternatively, you can seamlessly weave your skills into your work experience descriptions, demonstrating how you have applied them in real-world scenarios.

Remember, the goal is to make a better impression on recruiters by highlighting your skills. By doing so, you not only show that you possess the necessary qualifications for the job but also demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement and professional development.

Focus on Quality Over Quantity When Writing Your Resumé

When it comes to your resumé, less is often more. Recruiters don't have time to read through lengthy documents, so it's important to keep your resumé concise and focused. Be selective about the information you include, and only include details that are relevant to the job you're applying for.

Use bullet points and brief paragraphs to convey your accomplishments and skills effectively. This formatting makes it easier for recruiters to scan your resumé quickly and find the information they need. Remember, a well-organised and visually appealing resumé will make a much stronger impact than a cluttered and lengthy one.

Make Your Resumé Easy to Read and Understand

When it comes to resumé writing, clarity is key. Opt for a clean and professional font that is easy to read, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and use an appropriate font size (usually between 10 and 12 points) to ensure readability.

Additionally, organise your resumé using headings and subheadings to create a logical structure. This will help recruiters easily navigate your document and find the information they're looking for. Consider breaking your resumé into sections such as "Education," "Work Experience," and "Skills," making it easy to spot the most relevant information.

Tailor Your Resumé to the Job You're Applying for

One size does not fit all when it comes to resumés. It's essential to tailor your document to each specific job opportunity. Review the job description thoroughly and identify the key skills and qualifications desired by the employer.

Then, customise your resumé to highlight these skills and align your experience with the requirements of the position. This will show recruiters that you have taken the time to understand their needs and are genuinely interested in the role.

Add Relevant Keywords to Get Your Resumé Noticed

In today's digital age, many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan and filter resumés based on specific keywords. To increase your chances of getting noticed, make sure to include relevant keywords throughout your resumé that match the skills and qualifications mentioned in the job description.

However, be mindful of not overusing keywords, as this can make your resumé sound unnatural. Instead, focus on incorporating them naturally into your content, such as in work experience descriptions or skills sections.

Be Honest and Accurate When Writing Your Resumé

While it's crucial to present yourself in the best possible light on your resumé, it's equally important to be honest and accurate. Exaggerating your skills or qualifications can lead to serious consequences if discovered by potential employers.

Instead, focus on showcasing your genuine strengths and experiences. Be truthful about your accomplishments and responsibilities, and provide accurate information about your education, work history, and any certifications or qualifications you possess.

Make Use of Professional Templates to Get a Professional Look

If you're not confident in your design skills, utilising professional resumé templates can help you create a polished and visually appealing document. Many websites offer free or affordable templates that are specifically designed for resumés.

Choose a template that reflects your industry and personal style while maintaining a professional appearance. Keep in mind that a well-designed resumé can grab a recruiter's attention and create a positive first impression.

Include Your Contact Details to Show Interest in the Role

When applying for a job, it's crucial to provide accurate and up-to-date contact information. Include your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable).

By including your contact details, you demonstrate your interest in the role and make it easy for recruiters to reach out to you for further consideration. Double-check that your contact information is correct before submitting your resumé.

Make Sure Your Resumé is Error-Free Before Sending

Last but not least, before submitting your resumé, take the time to proofread it carefully. Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies can create a negative impression and potentially ruin your chances of being considered for the position.

Read through your resumé multiple times, use spell-checking tools, and consider asking a friend or family member to review it. Fresh eyes can often catch errors or areas that require improvement that you may have missed.


Writing a resumé that captures a recruiter's attention requires careful consideration and attention to detail. By highlighting your achievements, showcasing relevant skills, and tailoring your resumé to each job application, you can significantly improve your chances of standing out from the competition.

Remember to make your resumé easy to read and understand, incorporate relevant keywords, and maintain honesty and accuracy throughout. By following these tips and utilising professional templates, you can create a resumé that impresses recruiters and helps you land your dream job.

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