I have an important topic I want to share today…Beliefs. Beliefs are important because they influence your actions.
Here’s the scenario, there are two salespeople and they both start on the same day, and on that day they have the exact same ability. One believes they're going to become a top producer. The other one believes they're going to be an average salesperson. Over time who out produces the other person? Obviously the one that believes they're going to become a top producer.
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Observe what you believe about sales, business, wealth building, success, asking for the order, relationships, health, achieving your goals, consistency. One of the things that happens, and I can tell you this from my own life experience, when you start reading this Daily Gold Nugget on a regular basis you're feeding your mind with all these really cool positive ideas. What happens as you increase your skill level, your potential increases. But here's what I've seen happen over and over and over again. What you believe you're capable of is one level and your skills are at a lower level. You listen to a daily gold nugget and your skill level goes up a little bit, and you listen to another one, your skill level goes up again. Your skill level keeps going up, but your belief might stay the same.
One time I was coaching this gentleman and he told me that he was not an expert. He's in graphic design. Malcolm Gladwell says, "Spend 10,000 hours doing something, you become an expert." I asked this person, "So you're not an expert?" He said "No." I said, "How many hours have you spent doing graphic design, working for graphic design companies, going to art school, this whole thing with graphic design, how many hours?" He goes, "About 80,000 hours." I said, "You're 80,000 hours into this and yet you're not an expert." So his skill level is not the same as his belief.
I want you to question yourself, why do you believe what you believe? I'm a former cook at McDonald's and a college dropout. I had very low self-esteem. So you may ask, "Eric, how did you do it? How did you get the confidence? How did you become bulletproof and 10 feet tall?" I have an extraordinary amount of confidence. Where did that come from? Well, part of it was watching videos, listening to podcasts, reading articles like this, reading books, coaching programs, mentors and finding people that believed in me. I just kept at it and then all of a sudden my confidence went up. It doesn't always happen that way where somebody's skill level maybe increasing but their belief may not.
I want you to really question your beliefs and you may find that wow, I'm going to raise my belief and my confidence because my skill level's much higher than what I realized. Here's the truth, there are aspects of you that are genius. I didn't say everything about you is a genius, okay. Everything about me is not a genius, but there are aspects of me that are genius and it's not unique to me. It's something that we all have as human beings. You have natural gifting and talent.
Tell yourself that right now. Say it out loud, "There are aspects of me that are genius." See if your unconscious mind accepts it. The law of belief is whatever you tell yourself over and over and over again you'll eventually believe. Affirm over and over and over again, “there are aspects of me that are genius. Eric Lofholm tells me there are aspects of me that are genius.” Because I want you to know that is my truth for you that there are aspects of you that are genius.
Make it a great day!
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