
Why is Multitasking Unproductive and What to do about It?

As soon as we are attempting to build a web based business, we frequently get caught up into a lot of things that overwhelm us.

Let’s face it, there are a lot of details that count, and without them, our business is not going to make any profits…

The worst thing we can do is to multitask so that it “appears” we are going to get rid of those tasks quickly and make progress.

Nonetheless, that’s not often the case. Why?

Because as we start one thing, without getting it done, and after that jump to another activity and then another one, we get trapped into the realm of multitasking.

Why is Multitasking Unproductive and What to do about It?

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What’s the Problem?

As we multitask nothing gets done. Why?

As we start doing one activity, and then move on a second… the first wasn’t done in the first place.

There is definitely no reason to start something if the thing is not done or accomplished.

Quality is not a measure of the number of tasks we are doing. It comes from the quantity of activities we actually get done.

It might get even tougher, if we get involved in multiple activities automatically, we are going to lose our ability to concentrate on one task at a time.

Talking is the enemy of doing.

Of course, realistically, this doesn’t make any sense, but that is precisely why we move from a single thing to a different one, and we multitask, because we believe that the job gets handled much faster in that way…

That is why, multitasking is nothing more but a sense of unrealistic achievement. We begin a variety of different tasks, opening a lot of doors, without closing any of them…

If we do not close old doors, this temptation on its own burns a lot of fuel, and we get jammed in initiating multiple tasks at the same time.

We simply can’t assess which assignment has a higher priority when compared to another. We can’t distinguish the urgent from the important.


Neural researchers demonstrate that our attention span is only capable of grasping on 5-7 thoughts within a particular moment of time. If we try to exceed this limit of our attention span, essentially our thought processes shut down.

So let’s say we are writing out blog posts and articles on the laptop computer, while you are enjoying our favorite TV show and eating our favorite food at the same time. This doesn’t only harms our ability to totally focus, but also is not getting things done.

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Rather than Performing Multitasking, We can do Multislicing

Multislicing is a process of breaking down large tasks into smaller pieces for higher performance.

Larger activities may be handled in lots of distinct ways, and a decision has to be made to go along in one of those paths or ways of doing it.

An example of an essential task is, sending readers to your internet site.

In fact, this can be done through specific traffic methods (such as sending visitors from social media, e-mail marketing, wordpress blogging, article marketing, etc…) and what multislicing allows you to generate a single process, to get more potential buyers, instead of looking for other possibilities.

For example, let’s say we choose to get potential buyers from social media. We head on Facebook, set up a “fan page” for our business, and let people in your Facebook personal account visit that fan page. Potential customers can see your internet site and the articles or blog posts you are recommending on the fan page.

Once you are that concrete in outlining the process of generating targeted visitors to your internet site, you produce this “multi-slicing phenomenon.” As soon as we uncover and perform totally different strategies of sending website visitors at once, we become greedy and multitask.

When we multislice, we actually break down big processes into independent and smaller sections that are more manageable to do. We break down and consider each of these pieces and working on them, until the end.

When we multitask, we typically perform a variety of tasks in order to accomplish all of them at once or simply trying to do a variety of tasks to achieve one certain outcome. That isn’t a very reliable method of working with projects and assignments, especially if we desire significantly better results.

That is why multislicing is more optimal approach to deal with more comprehensive assignments, rather than coping with multitasking…

Let me give you an example…

Through multitasking, driving traffic can be done in totally different ways, such as article marketing, social media marketing, blogging, Pay per click, etc. If we execute everything at the same time, attempting to get as much exposure as possible, rather than performing on a single thing at a time (multislicing), we lose ourselves in multitasking.

When we use multislicing, however, we deal with just one step that’s associated with generating website traffic (our primary target), like getting website traffic from Facebook, and sticking to that as a process. That’s the best way we get the job done by sticking to one channel of driving traffic until we see substantial value out of it.

Now, how to do multislicing?

Here’s the Approach

  1. You’ll need to outline a structure, that is going to show you the process. Example: What Facebook technique gets traffic to your web pages? Let’s say the technique is to create a fan page and invite all your “friends” from your Facebook profile.
  2. After that you have to create one more framework, that is going to be your step by step process on how to do it. Example: What to do specifically in order to attract the targeted traffic by creating a Facebook fan page? Focus on the process here, and outline as if you are trying to explain it to an 8 year old. Step 1: Go to this link, Step 2: Choose this title, Step 3: Send that message, etc…

Do not be confused with the term “framework” that I incorporate in this article. Framework is simply a process or a system that’s attached to your outcome: generating targeted leads to your website as the example above.

Getting more traffic in general can be done in a lot of different ways, however, in order to get things done, we have to stick to one option until we test it and see some value out of it.

The bottom line is…

You can find many paths that are going to get you one step closer to your desired destination, but you have to look for a single path that is going to get you there. You are usually unable to move on different paths at the same time: that is exactly what the multitasking process is doing proactively. You want to avoid that at all cost.

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