What most people do in their careers is to go to university, get a job and then stop learning. Stop learning and you stop growing. If you are reading this article you are not most people, you know that challenging your ideas with new learning and peer discussions will open up future opportunities that you would never discover by doing the same thing every day.
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If culture is defined as ideas, customs and social behaviour of a society then organisational culture is intrinsically linked to each and every person within an organisation. In relation to learning and development a positive view and an ingrained custom must be supported and modeled by all levels of the organisation including senior managers.
Lately I have been delivering organisational training including building resilience, growing emotional intelligence, leadership, effective time management and challenging conversations. Whilst there is a good gender, cultural and age balance almost exclusively the attendees are not in leadership positions. This would indicate that whilst the organisation supports development, the senior managers are not modelling the behaviour when it comes to self-development.
This may not be surprising, perhaps those in more senior positions have formal qualifications and feel they can hone their skills in daily practice. I thought that too until my learners started to share some of their experiences. It would appear in some circumstances, leaders are providing training to staff to mask the leader's own deficiencies. One example being an organisation where staff were stressed by organisational changes and having difficulty coping. Instead of the organisation’s leadership group dealing with the underlying issue of ineffective change management strategies, employees were sent off to resilience training. In other examples learners have described poor management strategies, overwork and under resourcing.
Organisations have a competitive edge when they encourage and foster a culture of learning and development. The worth of learning includes staff feeling more valued and engaged with the organisation, there is also increased productivity in the long term with improved skills and knowledge. The permission to learn and develop gives employees an opportunity to seek new and innovative ways to achieve the organisation’s vision. Supporting employee’s development strengthens the trust between employees and leaders.
But why do leaders recognise the importance of this development for their employees but not themselves? There are three main barriers for leaders.
Effective leaders recognise they have knowledge or skill gaps and then they will fill those gaps so they can build career flexibility as they progress from one job to the next. At each step of their leadership journey, they should take the time to focus on honing those skills for their organisation, their employees and themselves.
A real culture of learning and development needs to be genuinely created and supported at all levels of the organisation. Management need to model their commitment to personal development and learning so that everyone in the organisation sees that learning and development is valued and without it the organisational vision may remain out of reach.
As the events industry struggles with the challenges of staff shortages and a people with knowledge and experience moving out of the industry to find more stable work, now more than ever a learning culture is essential in event and hospitality organisations and where possible it needs to be fast tracked as new people come on board. Here are some examples of training processes that you can use either for yourself or your team.
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