
Stay Organized the Lazy Way: Less Hustle, More Rest

Being lazy doesn’t mean you can’t be organized.

There are days, even weeks, where even the smallest effort is difficult to achieve.

And for this reason, I asked my friends and family for their go-to lazy ways to stay organized. I knew that with the upcoming change in our lifestyle, having a baby, I would need all the help I could get with staying organized when sleep and time seemed to disappear.

You define what being organized means, but here are some lazy tips to get you there.

They are in no particular order. Find something that speaks to your organizing style and apply it.

Stay Organized the Lazy Way: Less Hustle, More Rest

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Take on Less

Keep things simple and clear that calendar. When was the last time you really took an audit of where you spend your time? It’s a lot more exciting when you look at the day ahead and get excited, rather than dreading the things you have planned. Remember, if you’re not intentional with your time, someone else will determine how you spend it.

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Own Less

The less you own, the less work and maintenance you will be responsible for. It’s easier to clean up when there isn’t so much in your way. It’s faster to get going when you don’t require as many things to bring with you. There is always more time when you’re not shopping for the next and best things. It’s easier to be lazy when you own less.

Do Things in the Moment

Don’t let the work pile up. If you can get it done in less than 5 minutes DO IT NOW. And consider whether you need to be saying “yes” all the time. Flex that “No” muscle and buy yourself some time to consider whether you’re giving too much of yourself to other people’s agendas.

Hire Help

Are you fortunate enough to afford some help? Sometimes we don’t even consider this option because who would want to be my virtual assistant? Who would want to clean up my home? Trust us, there is someone out there willing and happy to do that work for you. And sometimes that is just what you need to be able to carve out some much needed time for you.

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Clean Up After Yourself

Put that book back where it belongs. Wipe off that knife and cutting board right away. It’s all those small little tasks that can be done quickly that often are the jobs that, if left unfinished, pile up into clutter and hours of work. 

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Don’t Procrastinate the Small Stuff

Make that phone call. Pay that bill. Plan your meals for the week. Those tasks that take the smallest of efforts save your future self enormous amounts of time. Try it, your lazy self will thank you.

Write Things Down

This can’t be any clearer. Our only suggestion is that you use one place to do it. Whether it be your phone, a whiteboard, a bullet journal, or your hand — write down what you want to get done. It will help protect your brain from mental clutter when you forget what you wanted to do.

Share Your Calendar

Going digital isn’t easy for everyone, but if you can get on board with a digital calendar you’ll save yourself a lot of frustrations. Less time being late, fewer apologies for missing an event, and more aware of where your spending your time.

Maybe you’re already applying most of these suggestions or you have better suggestions. Again, I felt I wanted to share what was given to me by my inner circle because they’re definitely all amazing people, doing amazing things. I had to laugh when one of my friends made the suggestion “Don’t Have Children!” It rings true because they are a new parent themselves, but I have to say they certainly get a lot accomplished with their newest family member — something I believe can only happen when you have a bit of organization on your side. 

Some might think that the word lazy is a negative one, but I actually think we could all use a lazy revolution. Time to slow down and prioritize what is really important. Let go of the things we don’t really need to be doing and focus on what is important to us. For some, myself included, it might be a well-deserved nap, a session of starring at the wall, or putting that project off just a little while longer until you feel ready.

Happy organizing!

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Emilio Jose Garcia & Samantha Kristoferson
Featured Uplyrn Expert
Emilio Jose Garcia & Samantha Kristoferson
Co-Founders of KW Professional Organizers, Silver Leaf Members of the Professional Organizers in Canada, Mental Health First Aid Specialists
Subjects of Expertise: Organization, Minimalism, Self-Care
Featured Uplyrn Expert
Emilio Jose Garcia & Samantha Kristoferson
Co-Founders of KW Professional Organizers
Silver Leaf Members of the Professional Organizers in Canada
Mental Health First Aid Specialists

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