
Beat the Illusion of Work: Get More Done in Less Time

Its 10 AM, and you are in the office, getting ready for another action-packed day at the workplace. And so it begins…scrolling through a mountain pile of emails, glancing through the endless appointment list, attending meetings that simply refuse to end, answering phone calls from strangers, and a host of other things that you never thought were part of your schedule. And before you know it, the day ends.

Read it again if you wish to, but it won’t change the fact that 8 out of 10 corporate professionals experience this conundrum on a routine basis. Most often you end up feeling tired (and frustrated of course) by the end of the day, simply because you felt busy but were yet unproductive. It’s earth-shattering and extremely disturbing to witness the mind-numbing hours wasted everyday on what we like to call “WORK.” Why then do we end up wasting precious time on unproductive activities rather than utilizing time on doing result-oriented stuff? One reason of course is that at times we are helpless, or shall I say choiceless. But how do we turn the odds in our favour? Here’s some food for thought.

Beat the Illusion of Work: Get More Done in Less Time

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Create a Functional “To Do” List

You might argue that you already have one. Hold on, nobody denies that. The question to ask is whether it’s functional. A functional to do list is not only practical but it takes into account even unexpected situations that may crop up. It clearly tells you what to do, but more importantly what to avoid.

So plan smartly and stick to your schedule.

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Learn to Say “NO”

Majority of people think that the hardest thing to say is perhaps sorry. I would beg to differ. Arguably the most painful thing to say is a “NO.” Just think about this. Did you say no to your friend the last time he/she pulled you up for an unnecessary coffee break? Or for that matter, when was the last time you refused to attend a meeting that was needless? Everytime you say “yes” when you should be saying “no”, someone else is stealing your time. It’s good to be nice but it’s even better to be assertive.

Eat that Frog

The phrase comes from the legendary coach Brian Tracy. The frog is a metaphor for the hardest and most complicated thing that you need to do for that day, like for instance making an important client call. Most people would leave it till the end of the day while smart people would do it first thing in the day. Get it off your chest and you will suddenly find more time at your disposal.

Disturb Yourself

Now this one’s a bit tricky. A lot of us let our minds wander into the wonderland of thoughts, so much so that we become absent to reality. The reason – it’s human. The next time you find yourself in a situation like this, take a short break. A cup of coffee or a quick chat with a colleague will help you get back on track. Be an efficient sprinter, don’t run a futile marathon. Take a break before you breakdown.

Once and for all, let’s work this out!!!

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Dr. Ramnath Dixit
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