
How to Deal with Toxic People and their Toxicity Cloud

How to Deal with Toxic People and their Toxicity Cloud

Do you know someone who is always creating drama or playing the victim? They may regularly engage in low frequency habits like drinking, drugs, pessimism or aggression. Being close to someone who lives under this stormy rain cloud can be challenging and sometimes even detrimental to your overall wellbeing. It can leave you feeling drained, on-edge, negative, disheartened, and even depressed. These kinds of folks are often referred to as “toxic” people.

If you’re wondering how to deal with toxic people, you’re not alone. I get asked this question a lot. This post will help you understand what’s going on energetically and teach you actions to take to protect yourself.

First of all, it’s not actually the people that are toxic. Rather, it’s their energetics you’re sensitive to.

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All people are inherently good; their natural essence is love energy

However, as we move through Earth School (which, in case you didn’t notice, is tough stuff!) we can adopt thoughts, collect unprocessed emotional energy, and slip into unhealthy habits, which all impacts our overall frequency.

The toxicity we recognize in others is actually a “toxicity cloud” hovering around them. It’s an energetic byproduct of living a low frequency life.

The cloud is created like this: Negative thinking easily spirals into uncomfortable emotions, which produces more negative thoughts, resulting in more painful emotions. In an attempt to find comfort, actions that provide quick relief take priority over following one's highest good. Unhealthy habits are formed as the toxicity cloud grows darker and more dense. It can even attract negative external energies which make themselves at home in this low frequency environment.

While one’s love energy, or Divine Light, is still there, it is dimmed by the toxicity cloud, which becomes the filter through which the world is experienced. It skews how one sees and interprets life events. It can cause great suffering and be quite painful to live underneath a toxicity cloud.

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Benefits of Protecting Yourself from a Toxicity Cloud

Often, people with super dense toxicity clouds don’t even realize one is hanging on them. They’re unaware they come across as negative or critical, and that their vibes bring down the room.

Toxicity cloud bystanders may experience a dip in energy levels, feel utterly drained or experience temporary joylessness. Disharmony or arguments may erupt in the company of a toxicity cloud. Some people may be unwittingly pulled into drama or encouraged to go against their highest good.

Being around negative, low-frequency energy can:

  • Deteriorate your physical health  
  • Negatively impact your mood, self-confidence and self-acceptance
  • Lower motivation and keep you from your life purpose
  • Create aggressive, unpredictable emotional outbursts
  • Block intuitive guidance
  • Disrupt a creative flow or process
  • Lower the frequency of loved ones around you
  • Make gratitude, appreciation and joy difficult to experience
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How to Beat a Toxicity Cloud

So, how can you withstand a toxicity cloud and come out balanced and unaffected? And what if one is attached to your officemate, mother-in-law, or even your partner? Here are some pointers to stay balanced, positive and maintain your personal frequency.

Lead with Compassion

Remember, living within a dense toxicity cloud is uncomfortable and even painful. Those hosting a cloud are suffering and don’t know how to feel better. They don’t have great awareness of how they are impacting others because the density of the cloud distorts their perception.

  • Simply maintaining this high-consciousness awareness will help keep clear boundaries and disentangle your energetics from theirs.
  • Instead of fueling the cloud with thoughts of dislike, disapproval or disgust, try affirming the qualities you appreciate about them. Highlight positive aspects and applaud them when they act in a supportive, uplifting and respectful manner.

Create a Protective Energetic Bubble

Use your power of awareness and imagination to protect yourself from harmful energetics around you.

  • Start by asking your Light Beings for extra protection.
  • Then, imagine a bright bubble completely surrounding you. Inside it is your safe space. The only thing that can get through is love.

Raise the Frequency

The toxicity cloud has a very low frequency. Counteract it directly by consciously choosing to keep your frequency high.

  • For example: choose to stay positive, upbeat and find the humor of a situation. Come into the present moment and take a few deep breaths. Beam love from your heart into the world. Try utilizing physical world tools like essential oils and classical music. Minimize other low-frequency outputs such as making sure if a television has to be on, it’s tuned to something uplifting and heart-centered.

Follow Your Highest Good

If this person has a way of getting you to do things you don’t really want to, it’s time to stand up for yourself.

  • Tune in to your highest good and follow it!
  • This may mean you need to create better boundaries or gain more space from someone. If you get the intuitive hit to remove yourself from the situation physically, do so. Minimally, you can excuse yourself to the restroom to break up direct time you spend around their toxicity cloud.
  • When you need to discharge toxic energy and raise your frequency, head to nature. Put your bare feet in the grass, feel the wind on your skin, and soak up the sun.
  • You may also need to have an honest, non-blaming conversation about setting new boundaries. You might tell them you’re trying really hard to be positive and sometimes that can be challenging around them. Or, you may choose to say you’re choosing to live a high-frequency, self-loving lifestyle and you need to do some things differently now. Setting boundaries can be tricky. Head over to the Boundaries Series (coming soon!) to learn more.

Ultimately, the greatest weapon against a toxicity cloud is to keep your frequency high and hold your alignment. This is part of your evolutionary journey as a soul traveling through Earth School.

When you live a self-loving lifestyle, you naturally maintain a higher frequency. By going into your past and healing old wounds, you increase it even more. You become more present in the moment, instead of chasing the thoughts in your mind. As more and more of your light and love energy shines, you gain natural immunity from toxicity.

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About the Author

Jennifer is a grounded and down-to-earth multi-sensitive empath and intuitive soul coach. She sees the world through an energetic and spiritual lens while offering real-world tools to help clients live a balanced and harmonious life. Drawing from a variety of traditions including Theta Healing, Yuen Method, Qigong, Shamanism and Spiritual Psychology, she helps clients reclaim their joy and align with their Authentic Self. Her work is featured in various online outlets including the popular blog and bookstore, Bodhi Tree.

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